Source code for fbchat._plan

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import attr
import json
from ._core import Enum

[docs]class GuestStatus(Enum): INVITED = 1 GOING = 2 DECLINED = 3
[docs]@attr.s(cmp=False) class Plan(object): """Represents a plan.""" #: ID of the plan uid = attr.ib(None, init=False) #: Plan time (timestamp), only precise down to the minute time = attr.ib(converter=int) #: Plan title title = attr.ib() #: Plan location name location = attr.ib(None, converter=lambda x: x or "") #: Plan location ID location_id = attr.ib(None, converter=lambda x: x or "") #: ID of the plan creator author_id = attr.ib(None, init=False) #: Dictionary of `User` IDs mapped to their `GuestStatus` guests = attr.ib(None, init=False) @property def going(self): """List of the `User` IDs who will take part in the plan.""" return [ id_ for id_, status in (self.guests or {}).items() if status is GuestStatus.GOING ] @property def declined(self): """List of the `User` IDs who won't take part in the plan.""" return [ id_ for id_, status in (self.guests or {}).items() if status is GuestStatus.DECLINED ] @property def invited(self): """List of the `User` IDs who are invited to the plan.""" return [ id_ for id_, status in (self.guests or {}).items() if status is GuestStatus.INVITED ] @classmethod def _from_pull(cls, data): rtn = cls( time=data.get("event_time"), title=data.get("event_title"), location=data.get("event_location_name"), location_id=data.get("event_location_id"), ) rtn.uid = data.get("event_id") rtn.author_id = data.get("event_creator_id") rtn.guests = { x["node"]["id"]: GuestStatus[x["guest_list_state"]] for x in json.loads(data["guest_state_list"]) } return rtn @classmethod def _from_fetch(cls, data): rtn = cls( time=data.get("event_time"), title=data.get("title"), location=data.get("location_name"), location_id=str(data["location_id"]) if data.get("location_id") else None, ) rtn.uid = data.get("oid") rtn.author_id = data.get("creator_id") rtn.guests = {id_: GuestStatus[s] for id_, s in data["event_members"].items()} return rtn @classmethod def _from_graphql(cls, data): rtn = cls( time=data.get("time"), title=data.get("event_title"), location=data.get("location_name"), ) rtn.uid = data.get("id") rtn.author_id = data["lightweight_event_creator"].get("id") rtn.guests = { x["node"]["id"]: GuestStatus[x["guest_list_state"]] for x in data["event_reminder_members"]["edges"] } return rtn