Source code for fbchat.client

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import requests
import urllib
from uuid import uuid1
from random import choice
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from mimetypes import guess_type
from .utils import *
from .models import *
from .graphql import *
import time

[docs]class Client(object): """A client for the Facebook Chat (Messenger). See for complete documentation of the API. """ listening = False """Whether the client is listening. Used when creating an external event loop to determine when to stop listening""" uid = None """ The ID of the client. Can be used as `thread_id`. See :ref:`intro_threads` for more info. Note: Modifying this results in undefined behaviour """ def __init__(self, email, password, user_agent=None, max_tries=5, session_cookies=None, logging_level=logging.INFO): """Initializes and logs in the client :param email: Facebook `email`, `id` or `phone number` :param password: Facebook account password :param user_agent: Custom user agent to use when sending requests. If `None`, user agent will be chosen from a premade list (see :any:`utils.USER_AGENTS`) :param max_tries: Maximum number of times to try logging in :param session_cookies: Cookies from a previous session (Will default to login if these are invalid) :param logging_level: Configures the `logging level <>`_. Defaults to `INFO` :type max_tries: int :type session_cookies: dict :type logging_level: int :raises: FBchatException on failed login """ self.sticky, self.pool = (None, None) self._session = requests.session() self.req_counter = 1 self.seq = "0" self.payloadDefault = {} self.client = 'mercury' self.default_thread_id = None self.default_thread_type = None self.req_url = ReqUrl() if not user_agent: user_agent = choice(USER_AGENTS) self._header = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Referer' : self.req_url.BASE, 'Origin' : self.req_url.BASE, 'User-Agent' : user_agent, 'Connection' : 'keep-alive', } handler.setLevel(logging_level) # If session cookies aren't set, not properly loaded or gives us an invalid session, then do the login if not session_cookies or not self.setSession(session_cookies) or not self.isLoggedIn(): self.login(email, password, max_tries) else: = email self.password = password """ INTERNAL REQUEST METHODS """ def _generatePayload(self, query): """Adds the following defaults to the payload: __rev, __user, __a, ttstamp, fb_dtsg, __req """ payload = self.payloadDefault.copy() if query: payload.update(query) payload['__req'] = str_base(self.req_counter, 36) payload['seq'] = self.seq self.req_counter += 1 return payload def _fix_fb_errors(self, error_code): """ This fixes "Please try closing and re-opening your browser window" errors (1357004) This error usually happens after 1-2 days of inactivity It may be a bad idea to do this in an exception handler, if you have a better method, please suggest it! """ if error_code == '1357004': log.warning('Got error #1357004. Doing a _postLogin, and resending request') self._postLogin() return True return False def _get(self, url, query=None, timeout=30, fix_request=False, as_json=False, error_retries=3): payload = self._generatePayload(query) r = self._session.get(url, headers=self._header, params=payload, timeout=timeout) if not fix_request: return r try: return check_request(r, as_json=as_json) except FBchatFacebookError as e: if error_retries > 0 and self._fix_fb_errors(e.fb_error_code): return self._get(url, query=query, timeout=timeout, fix_request=fix_request, as_json=as_json, error_retries=error_retries-1) raise e def _post(self, url, query=None, timeout=30, fix_request=False, as_json=False, error_retries=3): payload = self._generatePayload(query) r =, headers=self._header, data=payload, timeout=timeout) if not fix_request: return r try: return check_request(r, as_json=as_json) except FBchatFacebookError as e: if error_retries > 0 and self._fix_fb_errors(e.fb_error_code): return self._post(url, query=query, timeout=timeout, fix_request=fix_request, as_json=as_json, error_retries=error_retries-1) raise e def _graphql(self, payload, error_retries=3): content = self._post(self.req_url.GRAPHQL, payload, fix_request=True, as_json=False) try: return graphql_response_to_json(content) except FBchatFacebookError as e: if error_retries > 0 and self._fix_fb_errors(e.fb_error_code): return self._graphql(payload, error_retries=error_retries-1) raise e def _cleanGet(self, url, query=None, timeout=30): return self._session.get(url, headers=self._header, params=query, timeout=timeout) def _cleanPost(self, url, query=None, timeout=30): self.req_counter += 1 return, headers=self._header, data=query, timeout=timeout) def _postFile(self, url, files=None, query=None, timeout=30, fix_request=False, as_json=False, error_retries=3): payload=self._generatePayload(query) # Removes 'Content-Type' from the header headers = dict((i, self._header[i]) for i in self._header if i != 'Content-Type') r =, headers=headers, data=payload, timeout=timeout, files=files) if not fix_request: return r try: return check_request(r, as_json=as_json) except FBchatFacebookError as e: if error_retries > 0 and self._fix_fb_errors(e.fb_error_code): return self._postFile(url, files=files, query=query, timeout=timeout, fix_request=fix_request, as_json=as_json, error_retries=error_retries-1) raise e
[docs] def graphql_requests(self, *queries): """ .. todo:: Documenting this :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ return tuple(self._graphql({ 'method': 'GET', 'response_format': 'json', 'queries': graphql_queries_to_json(*queries)
[docs] def graphql_request(self, query): """ Shorthand for `graphql_requests(query)[0]` :raises: FBchatException if request failed """
return self.graphql_requests(query)[0] """ END INTERNAL REQUEST METHODS """ """ LOGIN METHODS """ def _resetValues(self): self.payloadDefault={} self._session = requests.session() self.req_counter = 1 self.seq = "0" self.uid = None def _postLogin(self): self.payloadDefault = {} self.client_id = hex(int(random()*2147483648))[2:] self.start_time = now() self.uid = self._session.cookies.get_dict().get('c_user') if self.uid is None: raise FBchatException('Could not find c_user cookie') self.uid = str(self.uid) self.user_channel = "p_" + self.uid self.ttstamp = '' r = self._get(self.req_url.BASE) soup = bs(r.text, "lxml") self.fb_dtsg = soup.find("input", {'name':'fb_dtsg'})['value'] self.fb_h = soup.find("input", {'name':'h'})['value'] for i in self.fb_dtsg: self.ttstamp += str(ord(i)) self.ttstamp += '2' # Set default payload self.payloadDefault['__rev'] = int(r.text.split('"client_revision":',1)[1].split(",",1)[0]) self.payloadDefault['__user'] = self.uid self.payloadDefault['__a'] = '1' self.payloadDefault['ttstamp'] = self.ttstamp self.payloadDefault['fb_dtsg'] = self.fb_dtsg self.form = { 'channel' : self.user_channel, 'partition' : '-2', 'clientid' : self.client_id, 'viewer_uid' : self.uid, 'uid' : self.uid, 'state' : 'active', 'format' : 'json', 'idle' : 0, 'cap' : '8' } self.prev = now() self.tmp_prev = now() self.last_sync = now() def _login(self): if not ( and self.password): raise FBchatUserError("Email and password not found.") soup = bs(self._get(self.req_url.MOBILE).text, "lxml") data = dict((elem['name'], elem['value']) for elem in soup.findAll("input") if elem.has_attr('value') and elem.has_attr('name')) data['email'] = data['pass'] = self.password data['login'] = 'Log In' r = self._cleanPost(self.req_url.LOGIN, data) # Usually, 'Checkpoint' will refer to 2FA if ('checkpoint' in r.url and ('enter security code to continue' in r.text.lower() or 'enter login code to continue' in r.text.lower())): r = self._2FA(r) # Sometimes Facebook tries to show the user a "Save Device" dialog if 'save-device' in r.url: r = self._cleanGet(self.req_url.SAVE_DEVICE) if 'home' in r.url: self._postLogin() return True, r.url else: return False, r.url def _2FA(self, r): soup = bs(r.text, "lxml") data = dict() s = self.on2FACode() data['approvals_code'] = s data['fb_dtsg'] = soup.find("input", {'name':'fb_dtsg'})['value'] data['nh'] = soup.find("input", {'name':'nh'})['value'] data['submit[Submit Code]'] = 'Submit Code' data['codes_submitted'] = 0'Submitting 2FA code.') r = self._cleanPost(self.req_url.CHECKPOINT, data) if 'home' in r.url: return r del(data['approvals_code']) del(data['submit[Submit Code]']) del(data['codes_submitted']) data['name_action_selected'] = 'save_device' data['submit[Continue]'] = 'Continue''Saving browser.') # At this stage, we have dtsg, nh, name_action_selected, submit[Continue] r = self._cleanPost(self.req_url.CHECKPOINT, data) if 'home' in r.url: return r del(data['name_action_selected'])'Starting Facebook checkup flow.') # At this stage, we have dtsg, nh, submit[Continue] r = self._cleanPost(self.req_url.CHECKPOINT, data) if 'home' in r.url: return r del(data['submit[Continue]']) data['submit[This was me]'] = 'This Was Me''Verifying login attempt.') # At this stage, we have dtsg, nh, submit[This was me] r = self._cleanPost(self.req_url.CHECKPOINT, data) if 'home' in r.url: return r del(data['submit[This was me]']) data['submit[Continue]'] = 'Continue' data['name_action_selected'] = 'save_device''Saving device again.') # At this stage, we have dtsg, nh, submit[Continue], name_action_selected r = self._cleanPost(self.req_url.CHECKPOINT, data) return r
[docs] def isLoggedIn(self): """ Sends a request to Facebook to check the login status :return: True if the client is still logged in :rtype: bool """ # Send a request to the login url, to see if we're directed to the home page r = self._cleanGet(self.req_url.LOGIN)
return 'home' in r.url
[docs] def getSession(self): """Retrieves session cookies :return: A dictionay containing session cookies :rtype: dict """
return self._session.cookies.get_dict()
[docs] def setSession(self, session_cookies): """Loads session cookies :param session_cookies: A dictionay containing session cookies :type session_cookies: dict :return: False if `session_cookies` does not contain proper cookies :rtype: bool """ # Quick check to see if session_cookies is formatted properly if not session_cookies or 'c_user' not in session_cookies: return False try: # Load cookies into current session self._session.cookies = requests.cookies.merge_cookies(self._session.cookies, session_cookies) self._postLogin() except Exception as e: log.exception('Failed loading session') self._resetValues() return False
return True
[docs] def login(self, email, password, max_tries=5): """ Uses `email` and `password` to login the user (If the user is already logged in, this will do a re-login) :param email: Facebook `email` or `id` or `phone number` :param password: Facebook account password :param max_tries: Maximum number of times to try logging in :type max_tries: int :raises: FBchatException on failed login """ self.onLoggingIn(email=email) if max_tries < 1: raise FBchatUserError('Cannot login: max_tries should be at least one') if not (email and password): raise FBchatUserError('Email and password not set') = email self.password = password for i in range(1, max_tries+1): login_successful, login_url = self._login() if not login_successful: log.warning('Attempt #{} failed{}'.format(i, {True:', retrying'}.get(i < max_tries, ''))) time.sleep(1) continue else: self.onLoggedIn(email=email) break else:
raise FBchatUserError('Login failed. Check email/password. (Failed on url: {})'.format(login_url))
[docs] def logout(self): """ Safely logs out the client :param timeout: See `requests timeout <>`_ :return: True if the action was successful :rtype: bool """ data = { 'ref': "mb", 'h': self.fb_h } r = self._get(self.req_url.LOGOUT, data) self._resetValues()
return r.ok """ END LOGIN METHODS """ """ DEFAULT THREAD METHODS """ def _getThread(self, given_thread_id=None, given_thread_type=None): """ Checks if thread ID is given, checks if default is set and returns correct values :raises ValueError: If thread ID is not given and there is no default :return: Thread ID and thread type :rtype: tuple """ if given_thread_id is None: if self.default_thread_id is not None: return self.default_thread_id, self.default_thread_type else: raise ValueError('Thread ID is not set') else: return given_thread_id, given_thread_type
[docs] def setDefaultThread(self, thread_id, thread_type): """Sets default thread to send messages to :param thread_id: User/Group ID to default to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: See :ref:`intro_threads` :type thread_type: models.ThreadType """ self.default_thread_id = thread_id
self.default_thread_type = thread_type
[docs] def resetDefaultThread(self): """Resets default thread"""
self.setDefaultThread(None, None) """ END DEFAULT THREAD METHODS """ """ FETCH METHODS """
[docs] def fetchAllUsers(self): """ Gets all users the client is currently chatting with :return: :class:`models.User` objects :rtype: list :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ data = { 'viewer': self.uid, } j = self._post(self.req_url.ALL_USERS, query=data, fix_request=True, as_json=True) if j.get('payload') is None: raise FBchatException('Missing payload while fetching users: {}'.format(j)) users = [] for key in j['payload']: k = j['payload'][key] if k['type'] in ['user', 'friend']: if k['id'] in ['0', 0]: # Skip invalid users pass users.append(User(k['id'], first_name=k.get('firstName'), url=k.get('uri'), photo=k.get('thumbSrc'), name=k.get('name'), is_friend=k.get('is_friend'), gender=GENDERS.get(k.get('gender'))))
return users
[docs] def searchForUsers(self, name, limit=1): """ Find and get user by his/her name :param name: Name of the user :param limit: The max. amount of users to fetch :return: :class:`models.User` objects, ordered by relevance :rtype: list :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ j = self.graphql_request(GraphQL(query=GraphQL.SEARCH_USER, params={'search': name, 'limit': limit}))
return [graphql_to_user(node) for node in j[name]['users']['nodes']]
[docs] def searchForPages(self, name, limit=1): """ Find and get page by its name :param name: Name of the page :return: :class:`models.Page` objects, ordered by relevance :rtype: list :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ j = self.graphql_request(GraphQL(query=GraphQL.SEARCH_PAGE, params={'search': name, 'limit': limit}))
return [graphql_to_page(node) for node in j[name]['pages']['nodes']] # TODO intergrate Rooms
[docs] def searchForGroups(self, name, limit=1): """ Find and get group thread by its name :param name: Name of the group thread :param limit: The max. amount of groups to fetch :return: :class:`models.Group` objects, ordered by relevance :rtype: list :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ j = self.graphql_request(GraphQL(query=GraphQL.SEARCH_GROUP, params={'search': name, 'limit': limit}))
return [graphql_to_group(node) for node in j['viewer']['groups']['nodes']]
[docs] def searchForThreads(self, name, limit=1): """ Find and get a thread by its name :param name: Name of the thread :param limit: The max. amount of groups to fetch :return: :class:`models.User`, :class:`models.Group` and :class:`models.Page` objects, ordered by relevance :rtype: list :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ j = self.graphql_request(GraphQL(query=GraphQL.SEARCH_THREAD, params={'search': name, 'limit': limit})) rtn = [] for node in j[name]['threads']['nodes']: if node['__typename'] == 'User': rtn.append(graphql_to_user(node)) elif node['__typename'] == 'MessageThread': # MessageThread => Group thread rtn.append(graphql_to_group(node)) elif node['__typename'] == 'Page': rtn.append(graphql_to_page(node)) elif node['__typename'] == 'Group': # We don't handle Facebook "Groups" pass # TODO Add Rooms else: log.warning('Unknown __typename: {} in {}'.format(repr(node['__typename']), node))
return rtn def _fetchInfo(self, *ids): data = { "ids[{}]".format(i): _id for i, _id in enumerate(ids) } j = self._post(self.req_url.INFO, data, fix_request=True, as_json=True) if j.get('payload') is None or j['payload'].get('profiles') is None: raise FBchatException('No users/pages returned: {}'.format(j)) entries = {} for _id in j['payload']['profiles']: k = j['payload']['profiles'][_id] if k['type'] in ['user', 'friend']: entries[_id] = { 'id': _id, 'type': ThreadType.USER, 'url': k.get('uri'), 'first_name': k.get('firstName'), 'is_viewer_friend': k.get('is_friend'), 'gender': k.get('gender'), 'profile_picture': {'uri': k.get('thumbSrc')}, 'name': k.get('name') } elif k['type'] == 'page': entries[_id] = { 'id': _id, 'type': ThreadType.PAGE, 'url': k.get('uri'), 'profile_picture': {'uri': k.get('thumbSrc')}, 'name': k.get('name') } else: raise FBchatException('{} had an unknown thread type: {}'.format(_id, k)) log.debug(entries) return entries
[docs] def fetchUserInfo(self, *user_ids): """ Get users' info from IDs, unordered .. warning:: Sends two requests, to fetch all available info! :param user_ids: One or more user ID(s) to query :return: :class:`models.User` objects, labeled by their ID :rtype: dict :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ threads = self.fetchThreadInfo(*user_ids) users = {} for k in threads: if threads[k].type == ThreadType.USER: users[k] = threads[k] else: raise FBchatUserError('Thread {} was not a user'.format(threads[k]))
return users
[docs] def fetchPageInfo(self, *page_ids): """ Get pages' info from IDs, unordered .. warning:: Sends two requests, to fetch all available info! :param page_ids: One or more page ID(s) to query :return: :class:`models.Page` objects, labeled by their ID :rtype: dict :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ threads = self.fetchThreadInfo(*page_ids) pages = {} for k in threads: if threads[k].type == ThreadType.PAGE: pages[k] = threads[k] else: raise FBchatUserError('Thread {} was not a page'.format(threads[k]))
return pages
[docs] def fetchGroupInfo(self, *group_ids): """ Get groups' info from IDs, unordered :param group_ids: One or more group ID(s) to query :return: :class:`models.Group` objects, labeled by their ID :rtype: dict :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ threads = self.fetchThreadInfo(*group_ids) groups = {} for k in threads: if threads[k].type == ThreadType.GROUP: groups[k] = threads[k] else: raise FBchatUserError('Thread {} was not a group'.format(threads[k]))
return groups
[docs] def fetchThreadInfo(self, *thread_ids): """ Get threads' info from IDs, unordered .. warning:: Sends two requests if users or pages are present, to fetch all available info! :param thread_ids: One or more thread ID(s) to query :return: :class:`models.Thread` objects, labeled by their ID :rtype: dict :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ queries = [] for thread_id in thread_ids: queries.append(GraphQL(doc_id='1386147188135407', params={ 'id': thread_id, 'message_limit': 0, 'load_messages': False, 'load_read_receipts': False, 'before': None })) j = self.graphql_requests(*queries) for i, entry in enumerate(j): if entry.get('message_thread') is None: # If you don't have an existing thread with this person, attempt to retrieve user data anyways j[i]['message_thread'] = { 'thread_key': { 'other_user_id': thread_ids[i] }, 'thread_type': 'ONE_TO_ONE' } pages_and_user_ids = [k['message_thread']['thread_key']['other_user_id'] for k in j if k['message_thread'].get('thread_type') == 'ONE_TO_ONE'] pages_and_users = {} if len(pages_and_user_ids) != 0: pages_and_users = self._fetchInfo(*pages_and_user_ids) rtn = {} for i, entry in enumerate(j): entry = entry['message_thread'] if entry.get('thread_type') == 'GROUP': _id = entry['thread_key']['thread_fbid'] rtn[_id] = graphql_to_group(entry) elif entry.get('thread_type') == 'ROOM': _id = entry['thread_key']['thread_fbid'] rtn[_id] = graphql_to_room(entry) elif entry.get('thread_type') == 'ONE_TO_ONE': _id = entry['thread_key']['other_user_id'] if pages_and_users.get(_id) is None: raise FBchatException('Could not fetch thread {}'.format(_id)) entry.update(pages_and_users[_id]) if entry['type'] == ThreadType.USER: rtn[_id] = graphql_to_user(entry) else: rtn[_id] = graphql_to_page(entry) else: raise FBchatException('{} had an unknown thread type: {}'.format(thread_ids[i], entry))
return rtn
[docs] def fetchThreadMessages(self, thread_id=None, limit=20, before=None): """ Get the last messages in a thread :param thread_id: User/Group ID to get messages from. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param limit: Max. number of messages to retrieve :param before: A timestamp, indicating from which point to retrieve messages :type limit: int :type before: int :return: :class:`models.Message` objects :rtype: list :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) j = self.graphql_request(GraphQL(doc_id='1386147188135407', params={ 'id': thread_id, 'message_limit': limit, 'load_messages': True, 'load_read_receipts': False, 'before': before })) if j.get('message_thread') is None: raise FBchatException('Could not fetch thread {}: {}'.format(thread_id, j))
return list(reversed([graphql_to_message(message) for message in j['message_thread']['messages']['nodes']]))
[docs] def fetchThreadList(self, offset=0, limit=20, thread_location=ThreadLocation.INBOX, before=None): """Get thread list of your facebook account :param offset: Deprecated. Do not use! :param limit: Max. number of threads to retrieve. Capped at 20 :param thread_location: models.ThreadLocation: INBOX, PENDING, ARCHIVED or OTHER :param before: A timestamp (in milliseconds), indicating from which point to retrieve threads :type limit: int :type before: int :return: :class:`models.Thread` objects :rtype: list :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ if offset is not None: log.warning('Using `offset` in `fetchThreadList` is no longer supported, since Facebook migrated to the use of GraphQL in this request. Use `before` instead') if limit > 20 or limit < 1: raise FBchatUserError('`limit` should be between 1 and 20') if thread_location in ThreadLocation: loc_str = thread_location.value else: raise FBchatUserError('"thread_location" must be a value of ThreadLocation') j = self.graphql_request(GraphQL(doc_id='1349387578499440', params={ 'limit': limit, 'tags': [loc_str], 'before': before, 'includeDeliveryReceipts': True, 'includeSeqID': False }))
return [graphql_to_thread(node) for node in j['viewer']['message_threads']['nodes']]
[docs] def fetchUnread(self): """ .. todo:: Documenting this :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ form = { 'client': 'mercury_sync', 'folders[0]': 'inbox', 'last_action_timestamp': now() - 60*1000 # 'last_action_timestamp': 0 } j = self._post(self.req_url.THREAD_SYNC, form, fix_request=True, as_json=True) return { "message_counts": j['payload']['message_counts'], "unseen_threads": j['payload']['unseen_thread_ids']
[docs] def fetchImageUrl(self, image_id): """Fetches the url to the original image from an image attachment ID :param image_id: The image you want to fethc :type image_id: str :return: An url where you can download the original image :rtype: str :raises: FBChatException if request failed """ image_id = str(image_id) j = check_request(self._get(ReqUrl.ATTACHMENT_PHOTO, query={'photo_id': str(image_id)})) url = get_jsmods_require(j, 3) if url is None: raise FBChatException('Could not fetch image url from: {}'.format(j))
return url """ END FETCH METHODS """ """ SEND METHODS """ def _oldMessage(self, message): return message if isinstance(message, Message) else Message(text=message) def _getSendData(self, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER): """Returns the data needed to send a request to `SendURL`""" messageAndOTID = generateOfflineThreadingID() timestamp = now() data = { 'client': self.client, 'author' : 'fbid:' + str(self.uid), 'timestamp' : timestamp, 'source' : 'source:chat:web', 'offline_threading_id': messageAndOTID, 'message_id' : messageAndOTID, 'threading_id': generateMessageID(self.client_id), 'ephemeral_ttl_mode:': '0' } # Set recipient if thread_type in [ThreadType.USER, ThreadType.PAGE]: data['other_user_fbid'] = thread_id elif thread_type == ThreadType.GROUP: data['thread_fbid'] = thread_id if message is None: message = Message() if message.text or message.sticker or message.emoji_size: data['action_type'] = 'ma-type:user-generated-message' if message.text: data['body'] = message.text for i, mention in enumerate(message.mentions): data['profile_xmd[{}][id]'.format(i)] = mention.thread_id data['profile_xmd[{}][offset]'.format(i)] = mention.offset data['profile_xmd[{}][length]'.format(i)] = mention.length data['profile_xmd[{}][type]'.format(i)] = 'p' if message.emoji_size: if message.text: data['tags[0]'] = 'hot_emoji_size:' + else: data['sticker_id'] = message.emoji_size.value if message.sticker: data['sticker_id'] = message.sticker.uid return data def _doSendRequest(self, data): """Sends the data to `SendURL`, and returns the message ID or None on failure""" j = self._post(self.req_url.SEND, data, fix_request=True, as_json=True) try: message_ids = [action['message_id'] for action in j['payload']['actions'] if 'message_id' in action] if len(message_ids) != 1: log.warning("Got multiple message ids' back: {}".format(message_ids)) message_id = message_ids[0] except (KeyError, IndexError) as e: raise FBchatException('Error when sending message: No message IDs could be found: {}'.format(j)) # update JS token if received in response fb_dtsg = get_jsmods_require(j, 2) if fb_dtsg is not None: self.payloadDefault['fb_dtsg'] = fb_dtsg return message_id
[docs] def send(self, message, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER): """ Sends a message to a thread :param message: Message to send :param thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: See :ref:`intro_threads` :type message: models.Message :type thread_type: models.ThreadType :return: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the sent message :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) data = self._getSendData(message=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type)
return self._doSendRequest(data)
[docs] def sendMessage(self, message, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER): """ Deprecated. Use :func:`fbchat.Client.send` instead """
return self.send(Message(text=message), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type)
[docs] def sendEmoji(self, emoji=None, size=EmojiSize.SMALL, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER): """ Deprecated. Use :func:`fbchat.Client.send` instead """
return self.send(Message(text=emoji, emoji_size=size), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) def _uploadImage(self, image_path, data, mimetype): """Upload an image and get the image_id for sending in a message""" j = self._postFile(self.req_url.UPLOAD, { 'file': ( image_path, data, mimetype ) }, fix_request=True, as_json=True) # Return the image_id if not mimetype == 'image/gif': return j['payload']['metadata'][0]['image_id'] else: return j['payload']['metadata'][0]['gif_id']
[docs] def sendImage(self, image_id, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, is_gif=False): """ Deprecated. Use :func:`fbchat.Client.send` instead """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) data = self._getSendData(message=self._oldMessage(message), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) data['action_type'] = 'ma-type:user-generated-message' data['has_attachment'] = True if not is_gif: data['image_ids[0]'] = image_id else: data['gif_ids[0]'] = image_id
return self._doSendRequest(data)
[docs] def sendRemoteImage(self, image_url, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER): """ Sends an image from a URL to a thread :param image_url: URL of an image to upload and send :param message: Additional message :param thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: See :ref:`intro_threads` :type thread_type: models.ThreadType :return: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the sent image :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) mimetype = guess_type(image_url)[0] is_gif = (mimetype == 'image/gif') remote_image = requests.get(image_url).content image_id = self._uploadImage(image_url, remote_image, mimetype)
return self.sendImage(image_id=image_id, message=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, is_gif=is_gif)
[docs] def sendLocalImage(self, image_path, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER): """ Sends a local image to a thread :param image_path: Path of an image to upload and send :param message: Additional message :param thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: See :ref:`intro_threads` :type thread_type: models.ThreadType :return: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the sent image :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) mimetype = guess_type(image_path)[0] is_gif = (mimetype == 'image/gif') image_id = self._uploadImage(image_path, open(image_path, 'rb'), mimetype)
return self.sendImage(image_id=image_id, message=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, is_gif=is_gif)
[docs] def addUsersToGroup(self, user_ids, thread_id=None): """ Adds users to a group. :param user_ids: One or more user IDs to add :param thread_id: Group ID to add people to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :type user_ids: list :return: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the executed action :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = self._getSendData(thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=ThreadType.GROUP) data['action_type'] = 'ma-type:log-message' data['log_message_type'] = 'log:subscribe' if type(user_ids) is not list: user_ids = [user_ids] # Make list of users unique user_ids = set(user_ids) for i, user_id in enumerate(user_ids): if user_id == self.uid: raise FBchatUserError('Error when adding users: Cannot add self to group thread') else: data['log_message_data[added_participants][' + str(i) + ']'] = "fbid:" + str(user_id)
return self._doSendRequest(data)
[docs] def removeUserFromGroup(self, user_id, thread_id=None): """ Removes users from a group. :param user_id: User ID to remove :param thread_id: Group ID to remove people from. See :ref:`intro_threads` :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = { "uid": user_id, "tid": thread_id }
j = self._post(self.req_url.REMOVE_USER, data, fix_request=True, as_json=True)
[docs] def changeThreadTitle(self, title, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER): """ Changes title of a thread. If this is executed on a user thread, this will change the nickname of that user, effectively changing the title :param title: New group thread title :param thread_id: Group ID to change title of. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: See :ref:`intro_threads` :type thread_type: models.ThreadType :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) if thread_type == ThreadType.USER: # The thread is a user, so we change the user's nickname return self.changeNickname(title, thread_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) else: data = self._getSendData(thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type) data['action_type'] = 'ma-type:log-message' data['log_message_data[name]'] = title data['log_message_type'] = 'log:thread-name'
return self._doSendRequest(data)
[docs] def changeNickname(self, nickname, user_id, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER): """ Changes the nickname of a user in a thread :param nickname: New nickname :param user_id: User that will have their nickname changed :param thread_id: User/Group ID to change color of. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: See :ref:`intro_threads` :type thread_type: models.ThreadType :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) data = { 'nickname': nickname, 'participant_id': user_id, 'thread_or_other_fbid': thread_id }
j = self._post(self.req_url.THREAD_NICKNAME, data, fix_request=True, as_json=True)
[docs] def changeThreadColor(self, color, thread_id=None): """ Changes thread color :param color: New thread color :param thread_id: User/Group ID to change color of. See :ref:`intro_threads` :type color: models.ThreadColor :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = { 'color_choice': color.value, 'thread_or_other_fbid': thread_id }
j = self._post(self.req_url.THREAD_COLOR, data, fix_request=True, as_json=True)
[docs] def changeThreadEmoji(self, emoji, thread_id=None): """ Changes thread color Trivia: While changing the emoji, the Facebook web client actually sends multiple different requests, though only this one is required to make the change :param color: New thread emoji :param thread_id: User/Group ID to change emoji of. See :ref:`intro_threads` :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = { 'emoji_choice': emoji, 'thread_or_other_fbid': thread_id }
j = self._post(self.req_url.THREAD_EMOJI, data, fix_request=True, as_json=True)
[docs] def reactToMessage(self, message_id, reaction): """ Reacts to a message :param message_id: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` to react to :param reaction: Reaction emoji to use :type reaction: models.MessageReaction :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ full_data = { "doc_id": 1491398900900362, "dpr": 1, "variables": { "data": { "action": "ADD_REACTION", "client_mutation_id": "1", "actor_id": self.uid, "message_id": str(message_id), "reaction": reaction.value } } } try: url_part = urllib.parse.urlencode(full_data) except AttributeError: # This is a very hacky solution for python 2 support, please suggest a better one ;) url_part = urllib.urlencode(full_data)\ .replace('u%27', '%27')\ .replace('%5CU{}'.format(MessageReactionFix[reaction.value][0]), MessageReactionFix[reaction.value][1])
j = self._post('{}/?{}'.format(self.req_url.MESSAGE_REACTION, url_part), fix_request=True, as_json=True)
[docs] def eventReminder(self, thread_id, time, title, location='', location_id=''): """ Sets an event reminder ..warning:: Does not work in Python2.7 ..todo:: Make this work in Python2.7 :param thread_id: User/Group ID to send event to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param time: Event time (unix time stamp) :param title: Event title :param location: Event location name :param location_id: Event location ID :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ full_data = { "event_type": "EVENT", "dpr": 1, "event_time" : time, "title" : title, "thread_id" : thread_id, "location_id" : location_id, "location_name" : location, "acontext": { "action_history": [{ "surface": "messenger_chat_tab", "mechanism": "messenger_composer" }] } } url_part = urllib.parse.urlencode(full_data)
j = self._post('{}/?{}'.format(self.req_url.EVENT_REMINDER, url_part), fix_request=True, as_json=True)
[docs] def setTypingStatus(self, status, thread_id=None, thread_type=None): """ Sets users typing status in a thread :param status: Specify the typing status :param thread_id: User/Group ID to change status in. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: See :ref:`intro_threads` :type status: models.TypingStatus :type thread_type: models.ThreadType :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) data = { "typ": status.value, "thread": thread_id, "to": thread_id if thread_type == ThreadType.USER else "", "source": "mercury-chat" }
j = self._post(self.req_url.TYPING, data, fix_request=True, as_json=True) """ END SEND METHODS """
[docs] def markAsDelivered(self, userID, threadID): """ .. todo:: Documenting this """ data = { "message_ids[0]": threadID, "thread_ids[%s][0]" % userID: threadID } r = self._post(self.req_url.DELIVERED, data)
return r.ok
[docs] def markAsRead(self, userID): """ .. todo:: Documenting this """ data = { "watermarkTimestamp": now(), "shouldSendReadReceipt": True, "ids[%s]" % userID: True } r = self._post(self.req_url.READ_STATUS, data)
return r.ok
[docs] def markAsSeen(self): """ .. todo:: Documenting this """ r = self._post(self.req_url.MARK_SEEN, {"seen_timestamp": 0})
return r.ok
[docs] def friendConnect(self, friend_id): """ .. todo:: Documenting this """ data = { "to_friend": friend_id, "action": "confirm" } r = self._post(self.req_url.CONNECT, data)
return r.ok """ LISTEN METHODS """ def _ping(self, sticky, pool): data = { 'channel': self.user_channel, 'clientid': self.client_id, 'partition': -2, 'cap': 0, 'uid': self.uid, 'sticky_token': sticky, 'sticky_pool': pool, 'viewer_uid': self.uid, 'state': 'active' } self._get(self.req_url.PING, data, fix_request=True, as_json=False) def _fetchSticky(self): """Call pull api to get sticky and pool parameter, newer api needs these parameters to work""" data = { "msgs_recv": 0, "channel": self.user_channel, "clientid": self.client_id } j = self._get(self.req_url.STICKY, data, fix_request=True, as_json=True) if j.get('lb_info') is None: raise FBchatException('Missing lb_info: {}'.format(j)) return j['lb_info']['sticky'], j['lb_info']['pool'] def _pullMessage(self, sticky, pool): """Call pull api with seq value to get message data.""" data = { "msgs_recv": 0, "sticky_token": sticky, "sticky_pool": pool, "clientid": self.client_id, } j = self._get(ReqUrl.STICKY, data, fix_request=True, as_json=True) self.seq = j.get('seq', '0') return j def _parseMessage(self, content): """Get message and author name from content. May contain multiple messages in the content.""" if 'ms' not in content: return for m in content["ms"]: mtype = m.get("type") try: # Things that directly change chat if mtype == "delta": def getThreadIdAndThreadType(msg_metadata): """Returns a tuple consisting of thread ID and thread type""" id_thread = None type_thread = None if 'threadFbId' in msg_metadata['threadKey']: id_thread = str(msg_metadata['threadKey']['threadFbId']) type_thread = ThreadType.GROUP elif 'otherUserFbId' in msg_metadata['threadKey']: id_thread = str(msg_metadata['threadKey']['otherUserFbId']) type_thread = ThreadType.USER return id_thread, type_thread delta = m["delta"] delta_type = delta.get("type") metadata = delta.get("messageMetadata") if metadata: mid = metadata["messageId"] author_id = str(metadata['actorFbId']) ts = int(metadata.get("timestamp")) # Added participants if 'addedParticipants' in delta: added_ids = [str(x['userFbId']) for x in delta['addedParticipants']] thread_id = str(metadata['threadKey']['threadFbId']) self.onPeopleAdded(mid=mid, added_ids=added_ids, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, ts=ts, msg=m) # Left/removed participants elif 'leftParticipantFbId' in delta: removed_id = str(delta['leftParticipantFbId']) thread_id = str(metadata['threadKey']['threadFbId']) self.onPersonRemoved(mid=mid, removed_id=removed_id, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, ts=ts, msg=m) # Color change elif delta_type == "change_thread_theme": new_color = graphql_color_to_enum(delta["untypedData"]["theme_color"]) thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onColorChange(mid=mid, author_id=author_id, new_color=new_color, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=m) # Emoji change elif delta_type == "change_thread_icon": new_emoji = delta["untypedData"]["thread_icon"] thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onEmojiChange(mid=mid, author_id=author_id, new_emoji=new_emoji, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=m) # Thread title change elif delta.get("class") == "ThreadName": new_title = delta["name"] thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onTitleChange(mid=mid, author_id=author_id, new_title=new_title, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=m) # Nickname change elif delta_type == "change_thread_nickname": changed_for = str(delta["untypedData"]["participant_id"]) new_nickname = delta["untypedData"]["nickname"] thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onNicknameChange(mid=mid, author_id=author_id, changed_for=changed_for, new_nickname=new_nickname, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=m) # Message delivered elif delta.get("class") == "DeliveryReceipt": message_ids = delta["messageIds"] delivered_for = str(delta.get("actorFbId") or delta["threadKey"]["otherUserFbId"]) ts = int(delta["deliveredWatermarkTimestampMs"]) thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(delta) self.onMessageDelivered(msg_ids=message_ids, delivered_for=delivered_for, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=m) # Message seen elif delta.get("class") == "ReadReceipt": seen_by = str(delta.get("actorFbId") or delta["threadKey"]["otherUserFbId"]) seen_ts = int(delta["actionTimestampMs"]) delivered_ts = int(delta["watermarkTimestampMs"]) thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(delta) self.onMessageSeen(seen_by=seen_by, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, seen_ts=seen_ts, ts=delivered_ts, metadata=metadata, msg=m) # Messages marked as seen elif delta.get("class") == "MarkRead": seen_ts = int(delta.get("actionTimestampMs") or delta.get("actionTimestamp")) delivered_ts = int(delta.get("watermarkTimestampMs") or delta.get("watermarkTimestamp")) threads = [] if "folders" not in delta: threads = [getThreadIdAndThreadType({"threadKey": thr}) for thr in delta.get("threadKeys")] # thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(delta) self.onMarkedSeen(threads=threads, seen_ts=seen_ts, ts=delivered_ts, metadata=delta, msg=m) # New message elif delta.get("class") == "NewMessage": mentions = [] if delta.get('data') and delta['data'].get('prng'): try: mentions = [Mention(str(mention.get('i')), offset=mention.get('o'), length=mention.get('l')) for mention in parse_json(delta['data']['prng'])] except Exception: log.exception('An exception occured while reading attachments') sticker = None attachments = [] if delta.get('attachments'): try: for a in delta['attachments']: mercury = a['mercury'] if mercury.get('blob_attachment'): image_metadata = a.get('imageMetadata', {}) attach_type = mercury['blob_attachment']['__typename'] attachment = graphql_to_attachment(mercury.get('blob_attachment', {})) if attach_type == ['MessageFile', 'MessageVideo', 'MessageAudio']: # TODO: Add more data here for audio files attachment.size = int(a['fileSize']) attachments.append(attachment) elif mercury.get('sticker_attachment'): sticker = graphql_to_sticker(a['mercury']['sticker_attachment']) elif mercury.get('extensible_attachment'): # TODO: Add more data here for shared stuff (URLs, events and so on) pass except Exception: log.exception('An exception occured while reading attachments: {}'.format(delta['attachments'])) if metadata and metadata.get('tags'): emoji_size = get_emojisize_from_tags(metadata.get('tags')) message = Message( text=delta.get('body'), mentions=mentions, emoji_size=emoji_size, sticker=sticker, attachments=attachments ) message.uid = mid = author_id message.timestamp = ts #message.reactions = {} thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onMessage(mid=mid, author_id=author_id, message=delta.get('body', ''), message_object=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=m) # Unknown message type else: self.onUnknownMesssageType(msg=m) # Inbox elif mtype == "inbox": self.onInbox(unseen=m["unseen"], unread=m["unread"], recent_unread=m["recent_unread"], msg=m) # Typing elif mtype == "typ": author_id = str(m.get("from")) thread_id = str(m.get("to")) if thread_id == self.uid: thread_type = ThreadType.USER else: thread_type = ThreadType.GROUP typing_status = TypingStatus(m.get("st")) self.onTyping(author_id=author_id, status=typing_status, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, msg=m) # Delivered # Seen # elif mtype == "m_read_receipt": # # self.onSeen(m.get('realtime_viewer_fbid'), m.get('reader'), m.get('time')) elif mtype in ['jewel_requests_add']: from_id = m['from'] self.onFriendRequest(from_id=from_id, msg=m) # Happens on every login elif mtype == "qprimer": self.onQprimer(ts=m.get("made"), msg=m) # Is sent before any other message elif mtype == "deltaflow": pass # Chat timestamp elif mtype == "chatproxy-presence": buddylist = {} for _id in m.get('buddyList', {}): payload = m['buddyList'][_id] buddylist[_id] = payload.get('lat') self.onChatTimestamp(buddylist=buddylist, msg=m) # Unknown message type else: self.onUnknownMesssageType(msg=m) except Exception as e: self.onMessageError(exception=e, msg=m)
[docs] def startListening(self): """ Start listening from an external event loop :raises: FBchatException if request failed """ self.listening = True
self.sticky, self.pool = self._fetchSticky()
[docs] def doOneListen(self, markAlive=True): """ Does one cycle of the listening loop. This method is useful if you want to control fbchat from an external event loop :param markAlive: Whether this should ping the Facebook server before running :type markAlive: bool :return: Whether the loop should keep running :rtype: bool """ try: if markAlive: self._ping(self.sticky, self.pool) content = self._pullMessage(self.sticky, self.pool) if content: self._parseMessage(content) except KeyboardInterrupt: return False except requests.Timeout: pass except requests.ConnectionError: # If the client has lost their internet connection, keep trying every 30 seconds time.sleep(30) except FBchatFacebookError as e: # Fix 502 and 503 pull errors if e.request_status_code in [502, 503]: self.req_url.change_pull_channel() self.startListening() else: raise e except Exception as e: return self.onListenError(exception=e)
return True
[docs] def stopListening(self): """Cleans up the variables from startListening""" self.listening = False
self.sticky, self.pool = (None, None)
[docs] def listen(self, markAlive=True): """ Initializes and runs the listening loop continually :param markAlive: Whether this should ping the Facebook server each time the loop runs :type markAlive: bool """ self.startListening() self.onListening() while self.listening and self.doOneListen(markAlive): pass
self.stopListening() """ END LISTEN METHODS """ """ EVENTS """
[docs] def onLoggingIn(self, email=None): """ Called when the client is logging in :param email: The email of the client """"Logging in {}...".format(email))
[docs] def on2FACode(self): """Called when a 2FA code is needed to progress"""
return input('Please enter your 2FA code --> ')
[docs] def onLoggedIn(self, email=None): """ Called when the client is successfully logged in :param email: The email of the client """"Login of {} successful.".format(email))
[docs] def onListening(self): """Called when the client is listening""""Listening...")
[docs] def onListenError(self, exception=None): """ Called when an error was encountered while listening :param exception: The exception that was encountered :return: Whether the loop should keep running """ log.exception('Got exception while listening')
return True
[docs] def onMessage(self, mid=None, author_id=None, message=None, message_object=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and somebody sends a message :param mid: The message ID :param author_id: The ID of the author :param message: (deprecated. Use `message_object.text` instead) :param message_object: The message (As a `Message` object) :param thread_id: Thread ID that the message was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: Type of thread that the message was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param ts: The timestamp of the message :param metadata: Extra metadata about the message :param msg: A full set of the data recieved :type message_object: models.Message :type thread_type: models.ThreadType """"{} from {} in {}".format(message_object, thread_id,
[docs] def onColorChange(self, mid=None, author_id=None, new_color=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and somebody changes a thread's color :param mid: The action ID :param author_id: The ID of the person who changed the color :param new_color: The new color :param thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param ts: A timestamp of the action :param metadata: Extra metadata about the action :param msg: A full set of the data recieved :type new_color: models.ThreadColor :type thread_type: models.ThreadType """"Color change from {} in {} ({}): {}".format(author_id, thread_id,, new_color))
[docs] def onEmojiChange(self, mid=None, author_id=None, new_emoji=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and somebody changes a thread's emoji :param mid: The action ID :param author_id: The ID of the person who changed the emoji :param new_emoji: The new emoji :param thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param ts: A timestamp of the action :param metadata: Extra metadata about the action :param msg: A full set of the data recieved :type thread_type: models.ThreadType """"Emoji change from {} in {} ({}): {}".format(author_id, thread_id,, new_emoji))
[docs] def onTitleChange(self, mid=None, author_id=None, new_title=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and somebody changes the title of a thread :param mid: The action ID :param author_id: The ID of the person who changed the title :param new_title: The new title :param thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param ts: A timestamp of the action :param metadata: Extra metadata about the action :param msg: A full set of the data recieved :type thread_type: models.ThreadType """"Title change from {} in {} ({}): {}".format(author_id, thread_id,, new_title))
[docs] def onNicknameChange(self, mid=None, author_id=None, changed_for=None, new_nickname=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and somebody changes the nickname of a person :param mid: The action ID :param author_id: The ID of the person who changed the nickname :param changed_for: The ID of the person whom got their nickname changed :param new_nickname: The new nickname :param thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param ts: A timestamp of the action :param metadata: Extra metadata about the action :param msg: A full set of the data recieved :type thread_type: models.ThreadType """"Nickname change from {} in {} ({}) for {}: {}".format(author_id, thread_id,, changed_for, new_nickname))
[docs] def onMessageSeen(self, seen_by=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, seen_ts=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and somebody marks a message as seen :param seen_by: The ID of the person who marked the message as seen :param thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param seen_ts: A timestamp of when the person saw the message :param ts: A timestamp of the action :param metadata: Extra metadata about the action :param msg: A full set of the data recieved :type thread_type: models.ThreadType """"Messages seen by {} in {} ({}) at {}s".format(seen_by, thread_id,, seen_ts/1000))
[docs] def onMessageDelivered(self, msg_ids=None, delivered_for=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and somebody marks messages as delivered :param msg_ids: The messages that are marked as delivered :param delivered_for: The person that marked the messages as delivered :param thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param ts: A timestamp of the action :param metadata: Extra metadata about the action :param msg: A full set of the data recieved :type thread_type: models.ThreadType """"Messages {} delivered to {} in {} ({}) at {}s".format(msg_ids, delivered_for, thread_id,, ts/1000))
[docs] def onMarkedSeen(self, threads=None, seen_ts=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and the client has successfully marked threads as seen :param threads: The threads that were marked :param author_id: The ID of the person who changed the emoji :param seen_ts: A timestamp of when the threads were seen :param ts: A timestamp of the action :param metadata: Extra metadata about the action :param msg: A full set of the data recieved :type thread_type: models.ThreadType """"Marked messages as seen in threads {} at {}s".format([(x[0], x[1].name) for x in threads], seen_ts/1000))
[docs] def onPeopleAdded(self, mid=None, added_ids=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, ts=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and somebody adds people to a group thread :param mid: The action ID :param added_ids: The IDs of the people who got added :param author_id: The ID of the person who added the people :param thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param ts: A timestamp of the action :param msg: A full set of the data recieved """"{} added: {}".format(author_id, ', '.join(added_ids)))
[docs] def onPersonRemoved(self, mid=None, removed_id=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, ts=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and somebody removes a person from a group thread :param mid: The action ID :param removed_id: The ID of the person who got removed :param author_id: The ID of the person who removed the person :param thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param ts: A timestamp of the action :param msg: A full set of the data recieved """"{} removed: {}".format(author_id, removed_id))
[docs] def onFriendRequest(self, from_id=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and somebody sends a friend request :param from_id: The ID of the person that sent the request :param msg: A full set of the data recieved """"Friend request from {}".format(from_id))
[docs] def onInbox(self, unseen=None, unread=None, recent_unread=None, msg=None): """ .. todo:: Documenting this :param unseen: -- :param unread: -- :param recent_unread: -- :param msg: A full set of the data recieved """'Inbox event: {}, {}, {}'.format(unseen, unread, recent_unread))
[docs] def onTyping(self, author_id=None, status=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and somebody starts or stops typing into a chat :param author_id: The ID of the person who sent the action :param status: The typing status :param thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param msg: A full set of the data recieved :type typing_status: models.TypingStatus :type thread_type: models.ThreadType """
[docs] def onQprimer(self, ts=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client just started listening :param ts: A timestamp of the action :param msg: A full set of the data recieved """
[docs] def onChatTimestamp(self, buddylist=None, msg=None): """ Called when the client receives chat online presence update :param buddylist: A list of dicts with friend id and last seen timestamp :param msg: A full set of the data recieved """
log.debug('Chat Timestamps received: {}'.format(buddylist))
[docs] def onUnknownMesssageType(self, msg=None): """ Called when the client is listening, and some unknown data was recieved :param msg: A full set of the data recieved """
log.debug('Unknown message received: {}'.format(msg))
[docs] def onMessageError(self, exception=None, msg=None): """ Called when an error was encountered while parsing recieved data :param exception: The exception that was encountered :param msg: A full set of the data recieved """
log.exception('Exception in parsing of {}'.format(msg)) """ END EVENTS