Source code for fbchat._message

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import attr
import json
from string import Formatter
from . import _util, _attachment, _location, _file, _quick_reply, _sticker
from ._core import Enum

[docs]class EmojiSize(Enum): """Used to specify the size of a sent emoji.""" LARGE = "369239383222810" MEDIUM = "369239343222814" SMALL = "369239263222822" @classmethod def _from_tags(cls, tags): string_to_emojisize = { "large": cls.LARGE, "medium": cls.MEDIUM, "small": cls.SMALL, "l": cls.LARGE, "m": cls.MEDIUM, "s": cls.SMALL, } for tag in tags or (): data = tag.split(":", maxsplit=1) if len(data) > 1 and data[0] == "hot_emoji_size": return string_to_emojisize.get(data[1]) return None
[docs]class MessageReaction(Enum): """Used to specify a message reaction.""" HEART = "❤" LOVE = "😍" SMILE = "😆" WOW = "😮" SAD = "😢" ANGRY = "😠" YES = "👍" NO = "👎"
[docs]@attr.s(cmp=False) class Mention(object): """Represents a ``@mention``.""" #: The thread ID the mention is pointing at thread_id = attr.ib() #: The character where the mention starts offset = attr.ib(0) #: The length of the mention length = attr.ib(10)
[docs]@attr.s(cmp=False) class Message(object): """Represents a Facebook message.""" #: The actual message text = attr.ib(None) #: A list of :class:`Mention` objects mentions = attr.ib(factory=list, converter=lambda x: [] if x is None else x) #: A :class:`EmojiSize`. Size of a sent emoji emoji_size = attr.ib(None) #: The message ID uid = attr.ib(None, init=False) #: ID of the sender author = attr.ib(None, init=False) #: Timestamp of when the message was sent timestamp = attr.ib(None, init=False) #: Whether the message is read is_read = attr.ib(None, init=False) #: A list of people IDs who read the message, works only with :func:`fbchat.Client.fetchThreadMessages` read_by = attr.ib(factory=list, init=False) #: A dictionary with user's IDs as keys, and their :class:`MessageReaction` as values reactions = attr.ib(factory=dict, init=False) #: A :class:`Sticker` sticker = attr.ib(None) #: A list of attachments attachments = attr.ib(factory=list, converter=lambda x: [] if x is None else x) #: A list of :class:`QuickReply` quick_replies = attr.ib(factory=list, converter=lambda x: [] if x is None else x) #: Whether the message is unsent (deleted for everyone) unsent = attr.ib(False, init=False) #: Message ID you want to reply to reply_to_id = attr.ib(None) #: Replied message replied_to = attr.ib(None, init=False) #: Whether the message was forwarded forwarded = attr.ib(False, init=False)
[docs] @classmethod def formatMentions(cls, text, *args, **kwargs): """Like `str.format`, but takes tuples with a thread id and text instead. Return a `Message` object, with the formatted string and relevant mentions. >>> Message.formatMentions("Hey {!r}! My name is {}", ("1234", "Peter"), ("4321", "Michael")) <Message (None): "Hey 'Peter'! My name is Michael", mentions=[<Mention 1234: offset=4 length=7>, <Mention 4321: offset=24 length=7>] emoji_size=None attachments=[]> >>> Message.formatMentions("Hey {p}! My name is {}", ("1234", "Michael"), p=("4321", "Peter")) <Message (None): 'Hey Peter! My name is Michael', mentions=[<Mention 4321: offset=4 length=5>, <Mention 1234: offset=22 length=7>] emoji_size=None attachments=[]> """ result = "" mentions = list() offset = 0 f = Formatter() field_names = [field_name[1] for field_name in f.parse(text)] automatic = "" in field_names i = 0 for (literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion) in f.parse(text): offset += len(literal_text) result += literal_text if field_name is None: continue if field_name == "": field_name = str(i) i += 1 elif automatic and field_name.isdigit(): raise ValueError( "cannot switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification" ) thread_id, name = f.get_field(field_name, args, kwargs)[0] if format_spec: name = f.format_field(name, format_spec) if conversion: name = f.convert_field(name, conversion) result += name mentions.append( Mention(thread_id=thread_id, offset=offset, length=len(name)) ) offset += len(name) message = cls(text=result, mentions=mentions) return message
@staticmethod def _get_forwarded_from_tags(tags): if tags is None: return False return any(map(lambda tag: "forward" in tag or "copy" in tag, tags)) @classmethod def _from_graphql(cls, data): if data.get("message_sender") is None: data["message_sender"] = {} if data.get("message") is None: data["message"] = {} tags = data.get("tags_list") rtn = cls( text=data["message"].get("text"), mentions=[ Mention( m.get("entity", {}).get("id"), offset=m.get("offset"), length=m.get("length"), ) for m in data["message"].get("ranges") or () ], emoji_size=EmojiSize._from_tags(tags), sticker=_sticker.Sticker._from_graphql(data.get("sticker")), ) rtn.forwarded = cls._get_forwarded_from_tags(tags) rtn.uid = str(data["message_id"]) = str(data["message_sender"]["id"]) rtn.timestamp = data.get("timestamp_precise") rtn.unsent = False if data.get("unread") is not None: rtn.is_read = not data["unread"] rtn.reactions = { str(r["user"]["id"]): MessageReaction._extend_if_invalid(r["reaction"]) for r in data["message_reactions"] } if data.get("blob_attachments") is not None: rtn.attachments = [ _file.graphql_to_attachment(attachment) for attachment in data["blob_attachments"] ] if data.get("platform_xmd_encoded"): quick_replies = json.loads(data["platform_xmd_encoded"]).get( "quick_replies" ) if isinstance(quick_replies, list): rtn.quick_replies = [ _quick_reply.graphql_to_quick_reply(q) for q in quick_replies ] elif isinstance(quick_replies, dict): rtn.quick_replies = [ _quick_reply.graphql_to_quick_reply(quick_replies, is_response=True) ] if data.get("extensible_attachment") is not None: attachment = graphql_to_extensible_attachment(data["extensible_attachment"]) if isinstance(attachment, _attachment.UnsentMessage): rtn.unsent = True elif attachment: rtn.attachments.append(attachment) if data.get("replied_to_message") is not None: rtn.replied_to = cls._from_graphql(data["replied_to_message"]["message"]) rtn.reply_to_id = rtn.replied_to.uid return rtn @classmethod def _from_reply(cls, data): tags = data["messageMetadata"].get("tags") rtn = cls( text=data.get("body"), mentions=[ Mention(m.get("i"), offset=m.get("o"), length=m.get("l")) for m in json.loads(data.get("data", {}).get("prng", "[]")) ], emoji_size=EmojiSize._from_tags(tags), ) metadata = data.get("messageMetadata", {}) rtn.forwarded = cls._get_forwarded_from_tags(tags) rtn.uid = metadata.get("messageId") = str(metadata.get("actorFbId")) rtn.timestamp = metadata.get("timestamp") rtn.unsent = False if data.get("data", {}).get("platform_xmd"): quick_replies = json.loads(data["data"]["platform_xmd"]).get( "quick_replies" ) if isinstance(quick_replies, list): rtn.quick_replies = [ _quick_reply.graphql_to_quick_reply(q) for q in quick_replies ] elif isinstance(quick_replies, dict): rtn.quick_replies = [ _quick_reply.graphql_to_quick_reply(quick_replies, is_response=True) ] if data.get("attachments") is not None: for attachment in data["attachments"]: attachment = json.loads(attachment["mercuryJSON"]) if attachment.get("blob_attachment"): rtn.attachments.append( _file.graphql_to_attachment(attachment["blob_attachment"]) ) if attachment.get("extensible_attachment"): extensible_attachment = graphql_to_extensible_attachment( attachment["extensible_attachment"] ) if isinstance(extensible_attachment, _attachment.UnsentMessage): rtn.unsent = True else: rtn.attachments.append(extensible_attachment) if attachment.get("sticker_attachment"): rtn.sticker = _sticker.Sticker._from_graphql( attachment["sticker_attachment"] ) return rtn @classmethod def _from_pull(cls, data, mid=None, tags=None, author=None, timestamp=None): rtn = cls(text=data.get("body")) rtn.uid = mid = author rtn.timestamp = timestamp if data.get("data") and data["data"].get("prng"): try: rtn.mentions = [ Mention( str(mention.get("i")), offset=mention.get("o"), length=mention.get("l"), ) for mention in _util.parse_json(data["data"]["prng"]) ] except Exception: _util.log.exception("An exception occured while reading attachments") if data.get("attachments"): try: for a in data["attachments"]: mercury = a["mercury"] if mercury.get("blob_attachment"): image_metadata = a.get("imageMetadata", {}) attach_type = mercury["blob_attachment"]["__typename"] attachment = _file.graphql_to_attachment( mercury["blob_attachment"] ) if attach_type in [ "MessageFile", "MessageVideo", "MessageAudio", ]: # TODO: Add more data here for audio files attachment.size = int(a["fileSize"]) rtn.attachments.append(attachment) elif mercury.get("sticker_attachment"): rtn.sticker = _sticker.Sticker._from_graphql( mercury["sticker_attachment"] ) elif mercury.get("extensible_attachment"): attachment = graphql_to_extensible_attachment( mercury["extensible_attachment"] ) if isinstance(attachment, _attachment.UnsentMessage): rtn.unsent = True elif attachment: rtn.attachments.append(attachment) except Exception: _util.log.exception( "An exception occured while reading attachments: {}".format( data["attachments"] ) ) rtn.emoji_size = EmojiSize._from_tags(tags) rtn.forwarded = cls._get_forwarded_from_tags(tags) return rtn
def graphql_to_extensible_attachment(data): story = data.get("story_attachment") if not story: return None target = story.get("target") if not target: return _attachment.UnsentMessage(uid=data.get("legacy_attachment_id")) _type = target["__typename"] if _type == "MessageLocation": return _location.LocationAttachment._from_graphql(story) elif _type == "MessageLiveLocation": return _location.LiveLocationAttachment._from_graphql(story) elif _type in ["ExternalUrl", "Story"]: return _attachment.ShareAttachment._from_graphql(story) return None