Source code for fbchat._listen

import attr
import random
import paho.mqtt.client
import requests
from ._common import log, kw_only
from . import _util, _exception, _session, _graphql, _events

from typing import Iterable, Optional, Mapping, List

HOST = ""

    # Things that happen in chats (e.g. messages)
    # Group typing notifications
    # Private chat typing notifications
    # Active notifications
    # Other notifications not related to chats (e.g. friend requests)
    # Facebook's continuous error reporting/logging?
    # Response to /br_sr
    # Data about user-to-user calls
    # TODO: Investigate the response from this! (A bunch of binary data)
    # "/t_rtc",
    # TODO: Find out what this does!
    # TODO: Investigate the response from this! (A bunch of binary data)
    # "/t_p",
    # TODO: Find out what this does!
    # TODO: Find out what this does!
    # TODO: Find out what this does!
    # Old, no longer active topics
    # These are here just in case something interesting pops up

def get_cookie_header(session: requests.Session, url: str) -> str:
    """Extract a cookie header from a requests session."""
    # The cookies are extracted this way to make sure they're escaped correctly
    return requests.cookies.get_cookie_header(
        session.cookies, requests.Request("GET", url),

def generate_session_id() -> int:
    """Generate a random session ID between 1 and 9007199254740991."""
    return random.randint(1, 2 ** 53)

def mqtt_factory() -> paho.mqtt.client.Client:
    # Configure internal MQTT handler
    mqtt = paho.mqtt.client.Client(
    # mqtt.max_inflight_messages_set(20)  # The rest will get queued
    # mqtt.max_queued_messages_set(0)  # Unlimited messages can be queued
    # mqtt.message_retry_set(20)  # Retry sending for at least 20 seconds
    # mqtt.reconnect_delay_set(min_delay=1, max_delay=120)
    mqtt.connect_async(HOST, 443, keepalive=10)
    return mqtt

def fetch_sequence_id(session: _session.Session) -> int:
    """Fetch sequence ID."""
    params = {
        "limit": 0,
        "tags": ["INBOX"],
        "before": None,
        "includeDeliveryReceipts": False,
        "includeSeqID": True,
    log.debug("Fetching MQTT sequence ID")
    # Same doc id as in `Client.fetch_threads`
    (j,) = session._graphql_requests(_graphql.from_doc_id("1349387578499440", params))
    sequence_id = j["viewer"]["message_threads"]["sync_sequence_id"]
    if not sequence_id:
        raise _exception.NotLoggedIn("Failed fetching sequence id")
    return int(sequence_id)

[docs]@attr.s(slots=True, kw_only=kw_only, eq=False) class Listener: """Listen to incoming Facebook events. Initialize a connection to the Facebook MQTT service. Args: session: The session to use when making requests. chat_on: Whether ... foreground: Whether ... Example: >>> listener = fbchat.Listener(session, chat_on=True, foreground=True) """ session = attr.ib(type=_session.Session) _chat_on = attr.ib(type=bool) _foreground = attr.ib(type=bool) _mqtt = attr.ib(factory=mqtt_factory, type=paho.mqtt.client.Client) _sync_token = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[str]) _sequence_id = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[int]) _tmp_events = attr.ib(factory=list, type=List[_events.Event]) def __attrs_post_init__(self): # Configure callbacks self._mqtt.on_message = self._on_message_handler self._mqtt.on_connect = self._on_connect_handler def _handle_ms(self, j): """Handle /t_ms special logic. Returns whether to continue parsing the message. """ # TODO: Merge this with the parsing in _events # Update sync_token when received # This is received in the first message after we've created a messenger # sync queue. if "syncToken" in j and "firstDeltaSeqId" in j: self._sync_token = j["syncToken"] self._sequence_id = j["firstDeltaSeqId"] return False if "errorCode" in j: error = j["errorCode"] # TODO: 'F\xfa\x84\x8c\x85\xf8\xbc-\x88 FB_PAGES_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION\x00' if error in ("ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND", "ERROR_QUEUE_OVERFLOW"): # ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND means that the queue was deleted, since too # much time passed, or that it was simply missing # ERROR_QUEUE_OVERFLOW means that the sequence id was too small, so # the desired events could not be retrieved log.error( "The MQTT listener was disconnected for too long," " events may have been lost" ) # TODO: Find a way to tell the user that they may now be missing events self._sync_token = None self._sequence_id = None return False log.error("MQTT error code %s received", error) return False # Update last sequence id # Except for the two cases above, this is always received self._sequence_id = j["lastIssuedSeqId"] return True def _on_message_handler(self, client, userdata, message): # Parse payload JSON try: j = _util.parse_json(message.payload.decode("utf-8")) except (_exception.FacebookError, UnicodeDecodeError): log.debug(message.payload) log.exception("Failed parsing MQTT data on %s as JSON", message.topic) return log.debug("MQTT payload: %s, %s", message.topic, j) if message.topic == "/t_ms": if not self._handle_ms(j): return try: # TODO: Don't handle this in a callback self._tmp_events = list( _events.parse_events(self.session, message.topic, j) ) except _exception.ParseError: log.exception("Failed parsing MQTT data") def _on_connect_handler(self, client, userdata, flags, rc): if rc == 21: raise _exception.FacebookError( "Failed connecting. Maybe your cookies are wrong?" ) if rc != 0: err = paho.mqtt.client.connack_string(rc) log.error("MQTT Connection Error: %s", err) return # Don't try to send publish if the connection failed self._messenger_queue_publish() def _messenger_queue_publish(self): # configure receiving messages. payload = { "sync_api_version": 10, "max_deltas_able_to_process": 1000, "delta_batch_size": 500, "encoding": "JSON", "entity_fbid":, } # If we don't have a sync_token, create a new messenger queue # This is done so that across reconnects, if we've received a sync token, we # SHOULD receive a piece of data in /t_ms exactly once! if self._sync_token is None: topic = "/messenger_sync_create_queue" payload["initial_titan_sequence_id"] = str(self._sequence_id) payload["device_params"] = None else: topic = "/messenger_sync_get_diffs" payload["last_seq_id"] = str(self._sequence_id) payload["sync_token"] = self._sync_token self._mqtt.publish(topic, _util.json_minimal(payload), qos=1) def _configure_connect_options(self): # Generate a new session ID on each reconnect session_id = generate_session_id() username = { # The user ID "u":, # Session ID "s": session_id, # Active status setting "chat_on": self._chat_on, # foreground_state - Whether the window is focused "fg": self._foreground, # Can be any random ID "d": self.session._client_id, # Application ID, taken from "aid": 219994525426954, # MQTT extension by FB, allows making a SUBSCRIBE while CONNECTing "st": TOPICS, # MQTT extension by FB, allows making a PUBLISH while CONNECTing # Using this is more efficient, but the same can be acheived with: # def on_connect(*args): # mqtt.publish(topic, payload, qos=1) # mqtt.on_connect = on_connect # TODO: For some reason this doesn't work! "pm": [ # { # "topic": topic, # "payload": payload, # "qos": 1, # "messageId": 65536, # } ], # Unknown parameters "cp": 3, "ecp": 10, "ct": "websocket", "mqtt_sid": "", "dc": "", "no_auto_fg": True, "gas": None, "pack": [], } self._mqtt.username_pw_set(_util.json_minimal(username)) headers = { "Cookie": get_cookie_header( self.session._session, "" ), "User-Agent": self.session._session.headers["User-Agent"], "Origin": "", "Host": HOST, } # TODO: Is region (lla | atn | odn | others?) important? self._mqtt.ws_set_options( path="/chat?sid={}".format(session_id), headers=headers ) def _reconnect(self) -> bool: # Try reconnecting self._configure_connect_options() try: self._mqtt.reconnect() return True except ( # Taken from .loop_forever paho.mqtt.client.socket.error, OSError, paho.mqtt.client.WebsocketConnectionError, ) as e: log.debug("MQTT reconnection failed: %s", e) # Wait before reconnecting self._mqtt._reconnect_wait() return False
[docs] def listen(self) -> Iterable[_events.Event]: """Run the listening loop continually. This is a blocking call, that will yield events as they arrive. This will automatically reconnect on errors, except if the errors are one of `PleaseRefresh` or `NotLoggedIn`. Example: Print events continually. >>> for event in listener.listen(): ... print(event) """ if self._sequence_id is None: self._sequence_id = fetch_sequence_id(self.session) # Make sure we're connected while not self._reconnect(): pass yield _events.Connect() while True: rc = self._mqtt.loop(timeout=1.0) # The sequence ID was reset in _handle_ms # TODO: Signal to the user that they should reload their data! if self._sequence_id is None: self._sequence_id = fetch_sequence_id(self.session) self._messenger_queue_publish() # If disconnect() has been called # Beware, internal API, may have to change this to something more stable! if self._mqtt._state == paho.mqtt.client.mqtt_cs_disconnecting: break # Stop listening if rc != paho.mqtt.client.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: # If known/expected error if rc == paho.mqtt.client.MQTT_ERR_CONN_LOST: yield _events.Disconnect(reason="Connection lost, retrying") elif rc == paho.mqtt.client.MQTT_ERR_NOMEM: # This error is wrongly classified # See yield _events.Disconnect(reason="Connection error, retrying") elif rc == paho.mqtt.client.MQTT_ERR_CONN_REFUSED: raise _exception.NotLoggedIn("MQTT connection refused") else: err = paho.mqtt.client.error_string(rc) log.error("MQTT Error: %s", err) reason = "MQTT Error: {}, retrying".format(err) yield _events.Disconnect(reason=reason) while not self._reconnect(): pass yield _events.Connect() if self._tmp_events: yield from self._tmp_events self._tmp_events = []
[docs] def disconnect(self) -> None: """Disconnect the MQTT listener. Can be called while listening, which will stop the listening loop. The `Listener` object should not be used after this is called! Example: Stop the listener when receiving a message with the text "/stop" >>> for event in listener.listen(): ... if isinstance(event, fbchat.MessageEvent): ... if event.message.text == "/stop": ... listener.disconnect() # Almost the same "break" """ self._mqtt.disconnect()
[docs] def set_foreground(self, value: bool) -> None: """Set the ``foreground`` value while listening.""" # TODO: Document what this actually does! payload = _util.json_minimal({"foreground": value}) info = self._mqtt.publish("/foreground_state", payload=payload, qos=1) self._foreground = value
# TODO: We can't wait for this, since the loop is running within the same thread # info.wait_for_publish()
[docs] def set_chat_on(self, value: bool) -> None: """Set the ``chat_on`` value while listening.""" # TODO: Document what this actually does! # TODO: Is this the right request to make? data = {"make_user_available_when_in_foreground": value} payload = _util.json_minimal(data) info = self._mqtt.publish("/set_client_settings", payload=payload, qos=1) self._chat_on = value
# TODO: We can't wait for this, since the loop is running within the same thread # info.wait_for_publish() # def send_additional_contacts(self, additional_contacts): # payload = _util.json_minimal({"additional_contacts": additional_contacts}) # info = self._mqtt.publish("/send_additional_contacts", payload=payload, qos=1) # # def browser_close(self): # info = self._mqtt.publish("/browser_close", payload=b"{}", qos=1)