Source code for fbchat._models._common

import attr
import datetime
import enum
from .._common import attrs_default
from .. import _util

from typing import Optional

[docs]class ThreadLocation(enum.Enum): """Used to specify where a thread is located (inbox, pending, archived, other).""" INBOX = "INBOX" PENDING = "PENDING" ARCHIVED = "ARCHIVED" OTHER = "OTHER" @classmethod def _parse(cls, value: str): return cls(value.lstrip("FOLDER_"))
[docs]@attrs_default class ActiveStatus: #: Whether the user is active now active = attr.ib(type=bool) #: When the user was last active last_active = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[datetime.datetime]) #: Whether the user is playing Messenger game now in_game = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[bool]) @classmethod def _from_orca_presence(cls, data): # TODO: Handle `c` and `vc` keys (Probably some binary data) return cls( active=data["p"] in [2, 3], last_active=_util.seconds_to_datetime(data["l"]) if "l" in data else None, in_game=None, )
@attrs_default class Image: #: URL to the image url = attr.ib(type=str) #: Width of the image width = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[int]) #: Height of the image height = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[int]) @classmethod def _from_uri(cls, data): return cls( url=data["uri"], width=int(data["width"]) if data.get("width") else None, height=int(data["height"]) if data.get("height") else None, ) @classmethod def _from_url(cls, data): return cls( url=data["url"], width=int(data["width"]) if data.get("width") else None, height=int(data["height"]) if data.get("height") else None, ) @classmethod def _from_uri_or_none(cls, data): if data is None: return None if data.get("uri") is None: return None return cls._from_uri(data) @classmethod def _from_url_or_none(cls, data): if data is None: return None if data.get("url") is None: return None return cls._from_url(data)