Source code for fbchat._session

import attr
import datetime
import requests
import random
import re
import json

# TODO: Only import when required
# Or maybe just replace usage with `html.parser`?
import bs4

from ._common import log, kw_only
from . import _graphql, _util, _exception

from typing import Optional, Mapping, Callable, Any

SERVER_JS_DEFINE_REGEX = re.compile(r'require\("ServerJSDefine"\)\)?\.handleDefines\(')

def parse_server_js_define(html: str) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
    """Parse ``ServerJSDefine`` entries from a HTML document."""
    # Find points where we should start parsing
    define_splits = SERVER_JS_DEFINE_REGEX.split(html)

    # Skip leading entry
    _, *define_splits = define_splits

    rtn = []
    if not define_splits:
        raise _exception.ParseError("Could not find any ServerJSDefine", data=html)
    if len(define_splits) < 2:
        raise _exception.ParseError("Could not find enough ServerJSDefine", data=html)
    if len(define_splits) > 2:
        raise _exception.ParseError("Found too many ServerJSDefine", data=define_splits)
    # Parse entries (should be two)
    for entry in define_splits:
            parsed, _ = SERVER_JS_DEFINE_JSON_DECODER.raw_decode(entry, idx=0)
        except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
            raise _exception.ParseError("Invalid ServerJSDefine", data=entry) from e
        if not isinstance(parsed, list):
            raise _exception.ParseError("Invalid ServerJSDefine", data=parsed)

    # Convert to a dict
    return _util.get_jsmods_define(rtn)

def base36encode(number: int) -> str:
    """Convert from Base10 to Base36."""
    # Taken from
    chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

    sign = "-" if number < 0 else ""
    number = abs(number)
    result = ""

    while number > 0:
        number, remainder = divmod(number, 36)
        result = chars[remainder] + result

    return sign + result

def prefix_url(url: str) -> str:
    if url.startswith("/"):
        return "" + url
    return url

def generate_message_id(now: datetime.datetime, client_id: str) -> str:
    k = _util.datetime_to_millis(now)
    l = int(random.random() * 4294967295)
    return "<{}:{}-{}>".format(k, l, client_id)

def get_user_id(session: requests.Session) -> str:
    # TODO: Optimize this `.get_dict()` call!
    cookies = session.cookies.get_dict()
    rtn = cookies.get("c_user")
    if rtn is None:
        raise _exception.ParseError("Could not find user id", data=cookies)
    return str(rtn)

def session_factory() -> requests.Session:
    from . import __version__

    session = requests.session()
    session.headers["Referer"] = ""
    # We won't try to set a fake user agent to mask our presence!
    # Facebook allows us access anyhow, and it makes our motives clearer:
    # We're not trying to cheat Facebook, we simply want to access their service
    session.headers["User-Agent"] = "fbchat/{}".format(__version__)
    return session

def client_id_factory() -> str:
    return hex(int(random.random() * 2 ** 31))[2:]

def find_form_request(html: str):
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser", parse_only=bs4.SoupStrainer("form"))

    form = soup.form
    if not form:
        raise _exception.ParseError("Could not find form to submit", data=soup)

    url = form.get("action")
    if not url:
        raise _exception.ParseError("Could not find url to submit to", data=form)

    # From what I've seen, it'll always do this!
    if url.startswith("/"):
        url = "" + url

    # It's okay to set missing values to something crap, the values are localized, and
    # hence are not available in the raw HTML
    data = {
        x["name"]: x.get("value", "[missing]")
        for x in form.find_all(["input", "button"])
    return url, data

def two_factor_helper(session: requests.Session, r, on_2fa_callback):
    url, data = find_form_request(r.content.decode("utf-8"))

    # You don't have to type a code if your device is already saved
    # Repeats if you get the code wrong
    while "approvals_code" not in data:
        data["approvals_code"] = on_2fa_callback()"Submitting 2FA code")
        r =, data=data, allow_redirects=False)
        url, data = find_form_request(r.content.decode("utf-8"))

    # TODO: Can be missing if checkup flow was done on another device in the meantime?
    if "name_action_selected" in data:
        data["name_action_selected"] = "save_device""Saving browser")
        r =, data=data, allow_redirects=False)
        url, data = find_form_request(r.content.decode("utf-8"))"Starting Facebook checkup flow")
    r =, data=data, allow_redirects=False)

    url, data = find_form_request(r.content.decode("utf-8"))
    if "submit[This was me]" not in data or "submit[This wasn't me]" not in data:
        raise _exception.ParseError("Could not fill out form properly (2)", data=data)
    data["submit[This was me]"] = "[any value]"
    del data["submit[This wasn't me]"]"Verifying login attempt")
    r =, data=data, allow_redirects=False)

    url, data = find_form_request(r.content.decode("utf-8"))
    if "name_action_selected" not in data:
        raise _exception.ParseError("Could not fill out form properly (3)", data=data)
    data["name_action_selected"] = "save_device""Saving device again")
    r =, data=data, allow_redirects=False)

    print(r.status_code, r.url, r.headers)
    return r.headers.get("Location")

def get_error_data(html: str) -> Optional[str]:
    """Get error message from a request."""
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(
        html, "html.parser", parse_only=bs4.SoupStrainer("form", id="login_form")
    # Attempt to extract and format the error string
    # The error message is in the user's own language!
    return " ".join(list(soup.stripped_strings)[1:3]) or None

def get_fb_dtsg(define) -> Optional[str]:
    if "DTSGInitData" in define:
        return define["DTSGInitData"]["token"]
    elif "DTSGInitialData" in define:
        return define["DTSGInitialData"]["token"]
    return None

[docs]@attr.s(slots=True, kw_only=kw_only, repr=False, eq=False) class Session: """Stores and manages state required for most Facebook requests. This is the main class, which is used to login to Facebook. """ _user_id = attr.ib(type=str) _fb_dtsg = attr.ib(type=str) _revision = attr.ib(type=int) _session = attr.ib(factory=session_factory, type=requests.Session) _counter = attr.ib(0, type=int) _client_id = attr.ib(factory=client_id_factory, type=str) @property def user(self): """The logged in user.""" from . import _threads # TODO: Consider caching the result return _threads.User(session=self, id=self._user_id) def __repr__(self) -> str: # An alternative repr, to illustrate that you can't create the class directly return "<fbchat.Session user_id={}>".format(self._user_id) def _get_params(self): self._counter += 1 # TODO: Make this operation atomic / thread-safe return { "__a": 1, "__req": base36encode(self._counter), "__rev": self._revision, "fb_dtsg": self._fb_dtsg, } # TODO: Add ability to load previous cookies in here, to avoid 2fa flow
[docs] @classmethod def login( cls, email: str, password: str, on_2fa_callback: Callable[[], int] = None ): """Login the user, using ``email`` and ``password``. Args: email: Facebook ``email``, ``id`` or ``phone number`` password: Facebook account password on_2fa_callback: Function that will be called, in case a two factor authentication code is needed. This should return the requested code. Only tested with SMS codes, might not work with authentication apps. Note: Facebook limits the amount of codes they will give you, so if you don't receive a code, be patient, and try again later! Example: >>> import fbchat >>> import getpass >>> session = fbchat.Session.login( ... input("Email: "), ... getpass.getpass(), ... on_2fa_callback=lambda: input("2FA Code: ") ... ) Email: Password: **** 2FA Code: 123456 >>> "1234" """ session = session_factory() data = { # "jazoest": "2754", # "lsd": "AVqqqRUa", "initial_request_id": "x", # any, just has to be present # "timezone": "-120", # "lgndim": "eyJ3IjoxNDQwLCJoIjo5MDAsImF3IjoxNDQwLCJhaCI6ODc3LCJjIjoyNH0=", # "lgnrnd": "044039_RGm9", "lgnjs": "n", "email": email, "pass": password, "login": "1", "persistent": "1", # Changes the cookie type to have a long "expires" "default_persistent": "0", } try: # Should hit a redirect to # If this does happen, the session is logged in! r = "", data=data, allow_redirects=False, ) except requests.RequestException as e: _exception.handle_requests_error(e) _exception.handle_http_error(r.status_code) url = r.headers.get("Location") # We weren't redirected, hence the email or password was wrong if not url: error = get_error_data(r.content.decode("utf-8")) raise _exception.NotLoggedIn(error) if "checkpoint" in url: if not on_2fa_callback: raise _exception.NotLoggedIn( "2FA code required! Please supply `on_2fa_callback` to .login" ) # Get a url that handles the 2FA flow # This probably works differently for Messenger-only accounts url = _util.get_url_parameter(url, "next") # Explicitly allow redirects r = session.get(url, allow_redirects=True) url = two_factor_helper(session, r, on_2fa_callback) if not url.startswith(""): raise _exception.ParseError("Failed 2fa flow", data=url) r = session.get(url, allow_redirects=False) url = r.headers.get("Location") if url != "": error = get_error_data(r.content.decode("utf-8")) raise _exception.NotLoggedIn("Failed logging in: {}, {}".format(url, error)) try: return cls._from_session(session=session) except _exception.NotLoggedIn as e: raise _exception.ParseError("Failed loading session", data=r) from e
[docs] def is_logged_in(self) -> bool: """Send a request to Facebook to check the login status. Returns: Whether the user is still logged in Example: >>> assert session.is_logged_in() """ # Send a request to the login url, to see if we're directed to the home page try: r = self._session.get(prefix_url("/login/"), allow_redirects=False) except requests.RequestException as e: _exception.handle_requests_error(e) _exception.handle_http_error(r.status_code) return "" == r.headers.get("Location")
[docs] def logout(self) -> None: """Safely log out the user. The session object must not be used after this action has been performed! Example: >>> session.logout() """ data = {"fb_dtsg": self._fb_dtsg} try: r = prefix_url("/logout/"), data=data, allow_redirects=False ) except requests.RequestException as e: _exception.handle_requests_error(e) _exception.handle_http_error(r.status_code) if "Location" not in r.headers: raise _exception.FacebookError("Failed logging out, was not redirected!") if "" != r.headers["Location"]: raise _exception.FacebookError( "Failed logging out, got bad redirect: {}".format(r.headers["Location"]) )
@classmethod def _from_session(cls, session): # TODO: Automatically set user_id when the cookie changes in the session user_id = get_user_id(session) # Make a request to the main page to retrieve ServerJSDefine entries try: r = session.get(prefix_url("/"), allow_redirects=False) except requests.RequestException as e: _exception.handle_requests_error(e) _exception.handle_http_error(r.status_code) define = parse_server_js_define(r.content.decode("utf-8")) fb_dtsg = get_fb_dtsg(define) if fb_dtsg is None: raise _exception.ParseError("Could not find fb_dtsg", data=define) if not fb_dtsg: # Happens when the client is not actually logged in raise _exception.NotLoggedIn( "Found empty fb_dtsg, the session was probably invalid." ) try: revision = int(define["SiteData"]["client_revision"]) except TypeError: raise _exception.ParseError("Could not find client revision", data=define) return cls(user_id=user_id, fb_dtsg=fb_dtsg, revision=revision, session=session)
[docs] def get_cookies(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Retrieve session cookies, that can later be used in `from_cookies`. Returns: A dictionary containing session cookies Example: >>> cookies = session.get_cookies() """ return self._session.cookies.get_dict()
[docs] @classmethod def from_cookies(cls, cookies: Mapping[str, str]): """Load a session from session cookies. Args: cookies: A dictionary containing session cookies Example: >>> cookies = session.get_cookies() >>> # Store cookies somewhere, and then subsequently >>> session = fbchat.Session.from_cookies(cookies) """ session = session_factory() session.cookies = requests.cookies.merge_cookies(session.cookies, cookies) return cls._from_session(session=session)
def _post(self, url, data, files=None, as_graphql=False): data.update(self._get_params()) try: r =, data=data, files=files) except requests.RequestException as e: _exception.handle_requests_error(e) # Facebook's encoding is always UTF-8 r.encoding = "utf-8" _exception.handle_http_error(r.status_code) if r.text is None or len(r.text) == 0: raise _exception.HTTPError("Error when sending request: Got empty response") if as_graphql: return _graphql.response_to_json(r.text) else: text = _util.strip_json_cruft(r.text) j = _util.parse_json(text) log.debug(j) return j def _payload_post(self, url, data, files=None): j = self._post(url, data, files=files) _exception.handle_payload_error(j) # update fb_dtsg token if received in response if "jsmods" in j: define = _util.get_jsmods_define(j["jsmods"]["define"]) fb_dtsg = get_fb_dtsg(define) if fb_dtsg: self._fb_dtsg = fb_dtsg try: return j["payload"] except (KeyError, TypeError) as e: raise _exception.ParseError("Missing payload", data=j) from e def _graphql_requests(self, *queries): # TODO: Explain usage of GraphQL, probably in the docs # Perhaps provide this API as public? data = { "method": "GET", "response_format": "json", "queries": _graphql.queries_to_json(*queries), } return self._post("/api/graphqlbatch/", data, as_graphql=True) def _do_send_request(self, data): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() offline_threading_id = _util.generate_offline_threading_id() data["client"] = "mercury" data["author"] = "fbid:{}".format(self._user_id) data["timestamp"] = _util.datetime_to_millis(now) data["source"] = "source:chat:web" data["offline_threading_id"] = offline_threading_id data["message_id"] = offline_threading_id data["threading_id"] = generate_message_id(now, self._client_id) data["ephemeral_ttl_mode:"] = "0" j = self._post("/messaging/send/", data) _exception.handle_payload_error(j) try: message_ids = [ (action["message_id"], action["thread_fbid"]) for action in j["payload"]["actions"] if "message_id" in action ] if len(message_ids) != 1: log.warning("Got multiple message ids' back: {}".format(message_ids)) return message_ids[0] except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError) as e: raise _exception.ParseError("No message IDs could be found", data=j) from e