Source code for fbchat._models._location

import attr
import datetime
from . import Image, Attachment
from .._common import attrs_default
from .. import _util, _exception

from typing import Optional

[docs]@attrs_default class LocationAttachment(Attachment): """Represents a user location. Latitude and longitude OR address is provided by Facebook. """ #: Latitude of the location latitude = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[float]) #: Longitude of the location longitude = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[float]) #: Image showing the map of the location image = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[Image]) #: URL to Bing maps with the location url = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[str]) # Address of the location address = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[str]) @classmethod def _from_graphql(cls, data): url = data.get("url") address = _util.get_url_parameter(_util.get_url_parameter(url, "u"), "where1") if not address: raise _exception.ParseError("Could not find location address", data=data) try: latitude, longitude = [float(x) for x in address.split(", ")] address = None except ValueError: latitude, longitude = None, None return cls( id=int(data["deduplication_key"]), latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, image=Image._from_uri_or_none(data["media"].get("image")) if data.get("media") else None, url=url, address=address, )
[docs]@attrs_default class LiveLocationAttachment(LocationAttachment): """Represents a live user location.""" #: Name of the location name = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[str]) #: When live location expires expires_at = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[datetime.datetime]) #: True if live location is expired is_expired = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[bool]) @classmethod def _from_pull(cls, data): return cls( id=data["id"], latitude=data["coordinate"]["latitude"] / (10 ** 8) if not data.get("stopReason") else None, longitude=data["coordinate"]["longitude"] / (10 ** 8) if not data.get("stopReason") else None, name=data.get("locationTitle"), expires_at=_util.millis_to_datetime(data["expirationTime"]), is_expired=bool(data.get("stopReason")), ) @classmethod def _from_graphql(cls, data): target = data["target"] image = None media = data.get("media") if media and media.get("image"): image = Image._from_uri(media["image"]) return cls( id=int(target["live_location_id"]), latitude=target["coordinate"]["latitude"] if target.get("coordinate") else None, longitude=target["coordinate"]["longitude"] if target.get("coordinate") else None, image=image, url=data.get("url"), name=data["title_with_entities"]["text"], expires_at=_util.seconds_to_datetime(target.get("expiration_time")), is_expired=target.get("is_expired"), )