Source code for fbchat._threads._group

import attr
import datetime
from ._abc import ThreadABC
from . import _user
from .._common import attrs_default
from .. import _util, _session, _graphql, _models

from typing import Sequence, Iterable, Set, Mapping, Optional

[docs]@attrs_default class Group(ThreadABC): """Represents a Facebook group. Implements `ThreadABC`. Example: >>> group = fbchat.Group(session=session, id="1234") """ #: The session to use when making requests. session = attr.ib(type=_session.Session) #: The group's unique identifier. id = attr.ib(converter=str, type=str) def _to_send_data(self): return {"thread_fbid":} def _copy(self) -> "Group": return Group(session=self.session,
[docs] def add_participants(self, user_ids: Iterable[str]): """Add users to the group. Args: user_ids: One or more user IDs to add Example: >>> group.add_participants(["1234", "2345"]) """ data = self._to_send_data() data["action_type"] = "ma-type:log-message" data["log_message_type"] = "log:subscribe" for i, user_id in enumerate(user_ids): if user_id == raise ValueError( "Error when adding users: Cannot add self to group thread" ) else: data[ "log_message_data[added_participants][{}]".format(i) ] = "fbid:{}".format(user_id) return self.session._do_send_request(data)
[docs] def remove_participant(self, user_id: str): """Remove user from the group. Args: user_id: User ID to remove Example: >>> group.remove_participant("1234") """ data = {"uid": user_id, "tid":} j = self.session._payload_post("/chat/remove_participants/", data)
def _admin_status(self, user_ids: Iterable[str], status: bool): data = {"add": status, "thread_fbid":} for i, user_id in enumerate(user_ids): data["admin_ids[{}]".format(i)] = str(user_id) j = self.session._payload_post("/messaging/save_admins/?dpr=1", data)
[docs] def add_admins(self, user_ids: Iterable[str]): """Set specified users as group admins. Args: user_ids: One or more user IDs to set admin Example: >>> group.add_admins(["1234", "2345"]) """ self._admin_status(user_ids, True)
[docs] def remove_admins(self, user_ids: Iterable[str]): """Remove admin status from specified users. Args: user_ids: One or more user IDs to remove admin Example: >>> group.remove_admins(["1234", "2345"]) """ self._admin_status(user_ids, False)
[docs] def set_title(self, title: str): """Change title of the group. Args: title: New title Example: >>> group.set_title("Abc") """ data = {"thread_name": title, "thread_id":} j = self.session._payload_post("/messaging/set_thread_name/?dpr=1", data)
[docs] def set_image(self, image_id: str): """Change the group image from an image id. Args: image_id: ID of uploaded image Example: Upload an image, and use it as the group image. >>> with open("image.png", "rb") as f: ... (file,) = client.upload([("image.png", f, "image/png")]) ... >>> group.set_image(file[0]) """ data = {"thread_image_id": image_id, "thread_id":} j = self.session._payload_post("/messaging/set_thread_image/?dpr=1", data)
[docs] def set_approval_mode(self, require_admin_approval: bool): """Change the group's approval mode. Args: require_admin_approval: True or False Example: >>> group.set_approval_mode(False) """ data = {"set_mode": int(require_admin_approval), "thread_fbid":} j = self.session._payload_post("/messaging/set_approval_mode/?dpr=1", data)
def _users_approval(self, user_ids: Iterable[str], approve: bool): data = { "client_mutation_id": "0", "actor_id":, "thread_fbid":, "user_ids": list(user_ids), "response": "ACCEPT" if approve else "DENY", "surface": "ADMIN_MODEL_APPROVAL_CENTER", } (j,) = self.session._graphql_requests( _graphql.from_doc_id("1574519202665847", {"data": data}) )
[docs] def accept_users(self, user_ids: Iterable[str]): """Accept users to the group from the group's approval. Args: user_ids: One or more user IDs to accept Example: >>> group.accept_users(["1234", "2345"]) """ self._users_approval(user_ids, True)
[docs] def deny_users(self, user_ids: Iterable[str]): """Deny users from joining the group. Args: user_ids: One or more user IDs to deny Example: >>> group.deny_users(["1234", "2345"]) """ self._users_approval(user_ids, False)
[docs]@attrs_default class GroupData(Group): """Represents data about a Facebook group. Inherits `Group`, and implements `ThreadABC`. """ #: The group's picture photo = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[_models.Image]) #: The name of the group name = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[str]) #: When the group was last active / when the last message was sent last_active = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[datetime.datetime]) #: Number of messages in the group message_count = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[int]) #: Set `Plan` plan = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[_models.PlanData]) #: The group thread's participant user ids participants = attr.ib(factory=set, type=Set[str]) #: A dictionary, containing user nicknames mapped to their IDs nicknames = attr.ib(factory=dict, type=Mapping[str, str]) #: The groups's message color color = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[str]) #: The groups's default emoji emoji = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[str]) # User ids of thread admins admins = attr.ib(factory=set, type=Set[str]) # True if users need approval to join approval_mode = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[bool]) # Set containing user IDs requesting to join approval_requests = attr.ib(factory=set, type=Set[str]) # Link for joining group join_link = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[str]) @classmethod def _from_graphql(cls, session, data): if data.get("image") is None: data["image"] = {} c_info = cls._parse_customization_info(data) last_active = None if "last_message" in data: last_active = _util.millis_to_datetime( int(data["last_message"]["nodes"][0]["timestamp_precise"]) ) plan = None if data.get("event_reminders") and data["event_reminders"].get("nodes"): plan = _models.PlanData._from_graphql( session, data["event_reminders"]["nodes"][0] ) return cls( session=session, id=data["thread_key"]["thread_fbid"], participants=list( cls._parse_participants(session, data["all_participants"]) ), nicknames=c_info.get("nicknames"), color=c_info["color"], emoji=c_info["emoji"], admins=set([node.get("id") for node in data.get("thread_admins")]), approval_mode=bool(data.get("approval_mode")) if data.get("approval_mode") is not None else None, approval_requests=set( node["requester"]["id"] for node in data["group_approval_queue"]["nodes"] ) if data.get("group_approval_queue") else None, join_link=data["joinable_mode"].get("link"), photo=_models.Image._from_uri_or_none(data["image"]), name=data.get("name"), message_count=data.get("messages_count"), last_active=last_active, plan=plan, )
@attrs_default class NewGroup(ThreadABC): """Helper class to create new groups. TODO: Complete this! Construct this class with the desired users, and call a method like `wave`, to... """ #: The session to use when making requests. session = attr.ib(type=_session.Session) #: The users that should be added to the group. _users = attr.ib(type=Sequence["_user.User"]) @property def id(self): raise NotImplementedError( "The method you called is not supported on NewGroup objects." " Please use the supported methods to create the group, before attempting" " to call the method." ) def _to_send_data(self) -> dict: return { "specific_to_list[{}]".format(i): "fbid:{}".format( for i, user in enumerate(self._users) }