Source code for fbchat._threads._page

import attr
import datetime
from ._abc import ThreadABC
from .._common import attrs_default
from .. import _session, _models

from typing import Optional

[docs]@attrs_default class Page(ThreadABC): """Represents a Facebook page. Implements `ThreadABC`. Example: >>> page = fbchat.Page(session=session, id="1234") """ # TODO: Implement pages properly, the implementation is lacking in a lot of places! #: The session to use when making requests. session = attr.ib(type=_session.Session) #: The unique identifier of the page. id = attr.ib(converter=str, type=str) def _to_send_data(self): return {"other_user_fbid":} def _copy(self) -> "Page": return Page(session=self.session,
[docs]@attrs_default class PageData(Page): """Represents data about a Facebook page. Inherits `Page`, and implements `ThreadABC`. """ #: The page's picture photo = attr.ib(type=_models.Image) #: The name of the page name = attr.ib(type=str) #: When the thread was last active / when the last message was sent last_active = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[datetime.datetime]) #: Number of messages in the thread message_count = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[int]) #: Set `Plan` plan = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[_models.PlanData]) #: The page's custom URL url = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[str]) #: The name of the page's location city city = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[str]) #: Amount of likes the page has likes = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[int]) #: Some extra information about the page sub_title = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[str]) #: The page's category category = attr.ib(None, type=Optional[str]) @classmethod def _from_graphql(cls, session, data): if data.get("profile_picture") is None: data["profile_picture"] = {} if data.get("city") is None: data["city"] = {} plan = None if data.get("event_reminders") and data["event_reminders"].get("nodes"): plan = _models.PlanData._from_graphql( session, data["event_reminders"]["nodes"][0] ) return cls( session=session, id=data["id"], url=data.get("url"), city=data.get("city").get("name"), category=data.get("category_type"), photo=_models.Image._from_uri(data["profile_picture"]), name=data["name"], message_count=data.get("messages_count"), plan=plan, )