Source code for fbchat._client

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import requests
import urllib
from uuid import uuid1
from random import choice
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from mimetypes import guess_type
from collections import OrderedDict
from ._util import *
from .models import *
from . import _graphql
from ._state import State
from ._mqtt import Mqtt
import time
import json

    from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs

    "action_history": [
        {"surface": "messenger_chat_tab", "mechanism": "messenger_composer"}

[docs]class Client(object): """A client for the Facebook Chat (Messenger). This is the main class of ``fbchat``, which contains all the methods you use to interact with Facebook. You can extend this class, and overwrite the ``on`` methods, to provide custom event handling (mainly useful while listening). """ listening = False """Whether the client is listening. Used when creating an external event loop to determine when to stop listening. """ @property def ssl_verify(self): """Verify SSL certificate. Set to False to allow debugging with a proxy. """ # TODO: Deprecate this return self._state._session.verify @ssl_verify.setter def ssl_verify(self, value): self._state._session.verify = value @property def uid(self): """The ID of the client. Can be used as ``thread_id``. See :ref:`intro_threads` for more info. """ return self._uid def __init__( self, email, password, user_agent=None, max_tries=5, session_cookies=None, logging_level=logging.INFO, ): """Initialize and log in the client. Args: email: Facebook ``email``, ``id`` or ``phone number`` password: Facebook account password user_agent: Custom user agent to use when sending requests. If `None`, user agent will be chosen from a premade list max_tries (int): Maximum number of times to try logging in session_cookies (dict): Cookies from a previous session (Will default to login if these are invalid) logging_level (int): Configures the `logging level <>`_. Defaults to ``logging.INFO`` Raises: FBchatException: On failed login """ self._default_thread_id = None self._default_thread_type = None self._markAlive = True self._buddylist = dict() self._mqtt = None handler.setLevel(logging_level) # If session cookies aren't set, not properly loaded or gives us an invalid session, then do the login if ( not session_cookies or not self.setSession(session_cookies, user_agent=user_agent) or not self.isLoggedIn() ): self.login(email, password, max_tries, user_agent=user_agent) """ INTERNAL REQUEST METHODS """ def _get(self, url, params): return self._state._get(url, params) def _post(self, url, params, files=None): return self._state._post(url, params, files=files) def _payload_post(self, url, data, files=None): return self._state._payload_post(url, data, files=files)
[docs] def graphql_requests(self, *queries): """Execute GraphQL queries. Args: queries (dict): Zero or more dictionaries Returns: tuple: A tuple containing JSON GraphQL queries Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ return tuple(self._state._graphql_requests(*queries))
[docs] def graphql_request(self, query): """Shorthand for ``graphql_requests(query)[0]``. Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ return self.graphql_requests(query)[0]
[docs] def isLoggedIn(self): """Send a request to Facebook to check the login status. Returns: bool: True if the client is still logged in """ return self._state.is_logged_in()
[docs] def getSession(self): """Retrieve session cookies. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing session cookies """ return self._state.get_cookies()
[docs] def setSession(self, session_cookies, user_agent=None): """Load session cookies. Args: session_cookies (dict): A dictionary containing session cookies Returns: bool: False if ``session_cookies`` does not contain proper cookies """ try: # Load cookies into current session self._state = State.from_cookies(session_cookies, user_agent=user_agent) self._uid = self._state.user_id except Exception as e: log.exception("Failed loading session") return False return True
[docs] def login(self, email, password, max_tries=5, user_agent=None): """Login the user, using ``email`` and ``password``. If the user is already logged in, this will do a re-login. Args: email: Facebook ``email`` or ``id`` or ``phone number`` password: Facebook account password max_tries (int): Maximum number of times to try logging in Raises: FBchatException: On failed login """ self.onLoggingIn(email=email) if max_tries < 1: raise FBchatUserError("Cannot login: max_tries should be at least one") if not (email and password): raise FBchatUserError("Email and password not set") for i in range(1, max_tries + 1): try: self._state = State.login( email, password, on_2fa_callback=self.on2FACode, user_agent=user_agent, ) self._uid = self._state.user_id except Exception: if i >= max_tries: raise log.exception("Attempt #{} failed, retrying".format(i)) time.sleep(1) else: self.onLoggedIn(email=email) break
[docs] def logout(self): """Safely log out the client. Returns: bool: True if the action was successful """ if self._state.logout(): self._state = None self._uid = None return True return False
""" END LOGIN METHODS """ """ DEFAULT THREAD METHODS """ def _getThread(self, given_thread_id=None, given_thread_type=None): """Check if thread ID is given and if default is set, and return correct values. Returns: tuple: Thread ID and thread type Raises: ValueError: If thread ID is not given and there is no default """ if given_thread_id is None: if self._default_thread_id is not None: return self._default_thread_id, self._default_thread_type else: raise ValueError("Thread ID is not set") else: return given_thread_id, given_thread_type
[docs] def setDefaultThread(self, thread_id, thread_type): """Set default thread to send messages to. Args: thread_id: User/Group ID to default to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` """ self._default_thread_id = thread_id self._default_thread_type = thread_type
[docs] def resetDefaultThread(self): """Reset default thread.""" self.setDefaultThread(None, None)
""" END DEFAULT THREAD METHODS """ """ FETCH METHODS """ def _forcedFetch(self, thread_id, mid): params = {"thread_and_message_id": {"thread_id": thread_id, "message_id": mid}} (j,) = self.graphql_requests(_graphql.from_doc_id("1768656253222505", params)) return j
[docs] def fetchThreads(self, thread_location, before=None, after=None, limit=None): """Fetch all threads in ``thread_location``. Threads will be sorted from newest to oldest. Args: thread_location (ThreadLocation): INBOX, PENDING, ARCHIVED or OTHER before: Fetch only thread before this epoch (in ms) (default all threads) after: Fetch only thread after this epoch (in ms) (default all threads) limit: The max. amount of threads to fetch (default all threads) Returns: list: :class:`Thread` objects Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ threads = [] last_thread_timestamp = None while True: # break if limit is exceeded if limit and len(threads) >= limit: break # fetchThreadList returns at max 20 threads before last_thread_timestamp (included) candidates = self.fetchThreadList( before=last_thread_timestamp, thread_location=thread_location ) if len(candidates) > 1: threads += candidates[1:] else: # End of threads break last_thread_timestamp = threads[-1].last_message_timestamp # FB returns a sorted list of threads if (before is not None and int(last_thread_timestamp) > before) or ( after is not None and int(last_thread_timestamp) < after ): break # Return only threads between before and after (if set) if before is not None or after is not None: for t in threads: last_message_timestamp = int(t.last_message_timestamp) if (before is not None and last_message_timestamp > before) or ( after is not None and last_message_timestamp < after ): threads.remove(t) if limit and len(threads) > limit: return threads[:limit] return threads
[docs] def fetchAllUsersFromThreads(self, threads): """Fetch all users involved in given threads. Args: threads: Thread: List of threads to check for users Returns: list: :class:`User` objects Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ users = [] users_to_fetch = [] # It's more efficient to fetch all users in one request for thread in threads: if thread.type == ThreadType.USER: if thread.uid not in [user.uid for user in users]: users.append(thread) elif thread.type == ThreadType.GROUP: for user_id in thread.participants: if ( user_id not in [user.uid for user in users] and user_id not in users_to_fetch ): users_to_fetch.append(user_id) for user_id, user in self.fetchUserInfo(*users_to_fetch).items(): users.append(user) return users
[docs] def fetchAllUsers(self): """Fetch all users the client is currently chatting with. Returns: list: :class:`User` objects Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = {"viewer": self._uid} j = self._payload_post("/chat/user_info_all", data) users = [] for data in j.values(): if data["type"] in ["user", "friend"]: if data["id"] in ["0", 0]: # Skip invalid users continue users.append(User._from_all_fetch(data)) return users
[docs] def searchForUsers(self, name, limit=10): """Find and get users by their name. Args: name: Name of the user limit: The max. amount of users to fetch Returns: list: :class:`User` objects, ordered by relevance Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ params = {"search": name, "limit": limit} (j,) = self.graphql_requests(_graphql.from_query(_graphql.SEARCH_USER, params)) return [User._from_graphql(node) for node in j[name]["users"]["nodes"]]
[docs] def searchForPages(self, name, limit=10): """Find and get pages by their name. Args: name: Name of the page Returns: list: :class:`Page` objects, ordered by relevance Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ params = {"search": name, "limit": limit} (j,) = self.graphql_requests(_graphql.from_query(_graphql.SEARCH_PAGE, params)) return [Page._from_graphql(node) for node in j[name]["pages"]["nodes"]]
[docs] def searchForGroups(self, name, limit=10): """Find and get group threads by their name. Args: name: Name of the group thread limit: The max. amount of groups to fetch Returns: list: :class:`Group` objects, ordered by relevance Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ params = {"search": name, "limit": limit} (j,) = self.graphql_requests(_graphql.from_query(_graphql.SEARCH_GROUP, params)) return [Group._from_graphql(node) for node in j["viewer"]["groups"]["nodes"]]
[docs] def searchForThreads(self, name, limit=10): """Find and get threads by their name. Args: name: Name of the thread limit: The max. amount of groups to fetch Returns: list: :class:`User`, :class:`Group` and :class:`Page` objects, ordered by relevance Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ params = {"search": name, "limit": limit} (j,) = self.graphql_requests( _graphql.from_query(_graphql.SEARCH_THREAD, params) ) rtn = [] for node in j[name]["threads"]["nodes"]: if node["__typename"] == "User": rtn.append(User._from_graphql(node)) elif node["__typename"] == "MessageThread": # MessageThread => Group thread rtn.append(Group._from_graphql(node)) elif node["__typename"] == "Page": rtn.append(Page._from_graphql(node)) elif node["__typename"] == "Group": # We don't handle Facebook "Groups" pass else: log.warning( "Unknown type {} in {}".format(repr(node["__typename"]), node) ) return rtn
[docs] def searchForMessageIDs(self, query, offset=0, limit=5, thread_id=None): """Find and get message IDs by query. Args: query: Text to search for offset (int): Number of messages to skip limit (int): Max. number of messages to retrieve thread_id: User/Group ID to search in. See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: typing.Iterable: Found Message IDs Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = { "query": query, "snippetOffset": offset, "snippetLimit": limit, "identifier": "thread_fbid", "thread_fbid": thread_id, } j = self._payload_post("/ajax/mercury/search_snippets.php?dpr=1", data) result = j["search_snippets"][query] snippets = result[thread_id]["snippets"] if result.get(thread_id) else [] for snippet in snippets: yield snippet["message_id"]
[docs] def searchForMessages(self, query, offset=0, limit=5, thread_id=None): """Find and get `Message` objects by query. Warning: This method sends request for every found message ID. Args: query: Text to search for offset (int): Number of messages to skip limit (int): Max. number of messages to retrieve thread_id: User/Group ID to search in. See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: typing.Iterable: Found :class:`Message` objects Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ message_ids = self.searchForMessageIDs( query, offset=offset, limit=limit, thread_id=thread_id ) for mid in message_ids: yield self.fetchMessageInfo(mid, thread_id)
[docs] def search(self, query, fetch_messages=False, thread_limit=5, message_limit=5): """Search for messages in all threads. Args: query: Text to search for fetch_messages: Whether to fetch :class:`Message` objects or IDs only thread_limit (int): Max. number of threads to retrieve message_limit (int): Max. number of messages to retrieve Returns: typing.Dict[str, typing.Iterable]: Dictionary with thread IDs as keys and iterables to get messages as values Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = {"query": query, "snippetLimit": thread_limit} j = self._payload_post("/ajax/mercury/search_snippets.php?dpr=1", data) result = j["search_snippets"][query] if not result: return {} if fetch_messages: search_method = self.searchForMessages else: search_method = self.searchForMessageIDs return { thread_id: search_method(query, limit=message_limit, thread_id=thread_id) for thread_id in result }
def _fetchInfo(self, *ids): data = {"ids[{}]".format(i): _id for i, _id in enumerate(ids)} j = self._payload_post("/chat/user_info/", data) if j.get("profiles") is None: raise FBchatException("No users/pages returned: {}".format(j)) entries = {} for _id in j["profiles"]: k = j["profiles"][_id] if k["type"] in ["user", "friend"]: entries[_id] = { "id": _id, "type": ThreadType.USER, "url": k.get("uri"), "first_name": k.get("firstName"), "is_viewer_friend": k.get("is_friend"), "gender": k.get("gender"), "profile_picture": {"uri": k.get("thumbSrc")}, "name": k.get("name"), } elif k["type"] == "page": entries[_id] = { "id": _id, "type": ThreadType.PAGE, "url": k.get("uri"), "profile_picture": {"uri": k.get("thumbSrc")}, "name": k.get("name"), } else: raise FBchatException( "{} had an unknown thread type: {}".format(_id, k) ) log.debug(entries) return entries
[docs] def fetchUserInfo(self, *user_ids): """Fetch users' info from IDs, unordered. Warning: Sends two requests, to fetch all available info! Args: user_ids: One or more user ID(s) to query Returns: dict: :class:`User` objects, labeled by their ID Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ threads = self.fetchThreadInfo(*user_ids) users = {} for id_, thread in threads.items(): if thread.type == ThreadType.USER: users[id_] = thread else: raise FBchatUserError("Thread {} was not a user".format(thread)) return users
[docs] def fetchPageInfo(self, *page_ids): """Fetch pages' info from IDs, unordered. Warning: Sends two requests, to fetch all available info! Args: page_ids: One or more page ID(s) to query Returns: dict: :class:`Page` objects, labeled by their ID Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ threads = self.fetchThreadInfo(*page_ids) pages = {} for id_, thread in threads.items(): if thread.type == ThreadType.PAGE: pages[id_] = thread else: raise FBchatUserError("Thread {} was not a page".format(thread)) return pages
[docs] def fetchGroupInfo(self, *group_ids): """Fetch groups' info from IDs, unordered. Args: group_ids: One or more group ID(s) to query Returns: dict: :class:`Group` objects, labeled by their ID Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ threads = self.fetchThreadInfo(*group_ids) groups = {} for id_, thread in threads.items(): if thread.type == ThreadType.GROUP: groups[id_] = thread else: raise FBchatUserError("Thread {} was not a group".format(thread)) return groups
[docs] def fetchThreadInfo(self, *thread_ids): """Fetch threads' info from IDs, unordered. Warning: Sends two requests if users or pages are present, to fetch all available info! Args: thread_ids: One or more thread ID(s) to query Returns: dict: :class:`Thread` objects, labeled by their ID Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ queries = [] for thread_id in thread_ids: params = { "id": thread_id, "message_limit": 0, "load_messages": False, "load_read_receipts": False, "before": None, } queries.append(_graphql.from_doc_id("2147762685294928", params)) j = self.graphql_requests(*queries) for i, entry in enumerate(j): if entry.get("message_thread") is None: # If you don't have an existing thread with this person, attempt to retrieve user data anyways j[i]["message_thread"] = { "thread_key": {"other_user_id": thread_ids[i]}, "thread_type": "ONE_TO_ONE", } pages_and_user_ids = [ k["message_thread"]["thread_key"]["other_user_id"] for k in j if k["message_thread"].get("thread_type") == "ONE_TO_ONE" ] pages_and_users = {} if len(pages_and_user_ids) != 0: pages_and_users = self._fetchInfo(*pages_and_user_ids) rtn = {} for i, entry in enumerate(j): entry = entry["message_thread"] if entry.get("thread_type") == "GROUP": _id = entry["thread_key"]["thread_fbid"] rtn[_id] = Group._from_graphql(entry) elif entry.get("thread_type") == "ONE_TO_ONE": _id = entry["thread_key"]["other_user_id"] if pages_and_users.get(_id) is None: raise FBchatException("Could not fetch thread {}".format(_id)) entry.update(pages_and_users[_id]) if entry["type"] == ThreadType.USER: rtn[_id] = User._from_graphql(entry) else: rtn[_id] = Page._from_graphql(entry) else: raise FBchatException( "{} had an unknown thread type: {}".format(thread_ids[i], entry) ) return rtn
[docs] def fetchThreadMessages(self, thread_id=None, limit=20, before=None): """Fetch messages in a thread, ordered by most recent. Args: thread_id: User/Group ID to get messages from. See :ref:`intro_threads` limit (int): Max. number of messages to retrieve before (int): A timestamp, indicating from which point to retrieve messages Returns: list: :class:`Message` objects Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) params = { "id": thread_id, "message_limit": limit, "load_messages": True, "load_read_receipts": True, "before": before, } (j,) = self.graphql_requests(_graphql.from_doc_id("1860982147341344", params)) if j.get("message_thread") is None: raise FBchatException("Could not fetch thread {}: {}".format(thread_id, j)) messages = [ Message._from_graphql(message) for message in j["message_thread"]["messages"]["nodes"] ] messages.reverse() read_receipts = j["message_thread"]["read_receipts"]["nodes"] for message in messages: for receipt in read_receipts: if int(receipt["watermark"]) >= int(message.timestamp): message.read_by.append(receipt["actor"]["id"]) return messages
[docs] def fetchThreadList( self, offset=None, limit=20, thread_location=ThreadLocation.INBOX, before=None ): """Fetch the client's thread list. Args: offset: Deprecated. Do not use! limit (int): Max. number of threads to retrieve. Capped at 20 thread_location (ThreadLocation): INBOX, PENDING, ARCHIVED or OTHER before (int): A timestamp (in milliseconds), indicating from which point to retrieve threads Returns: list: :class:`Thread` objects Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ if offset is not None: log.warning( "Using `offset` in `fetchThreadList` is no longer supported, " "since Facebook migrated to the use of GraphQL in this request. " "Use `before` instead." ) if limit > 20 or limit < 1: raise FBchatUserError("`limit` should be between 1 and 20") if thread_location in ThreadLocation: loc_str = thread_location.value else: raise FBchatUserError('"thread_location" must be a value of ThreadLocation') params = { "limit": limit, "tags": [loc_str], "before": before, "includeDeliveryReceipts": True, "includeSeqID": False, } (j,) = self.graphql_requests(_graphql.from_doc_id("1349387578499440", params)) rtn = [] for node in j["viewer"]["message_threads"]["nodes"]: _type = node.get("thread_type") if _type == "GROUP": rtn.append(Group._from_graphql(node)) elif _type == "ONE_TO_ONE": rtn.append(User._from_thread_fetch(node)) else: raise FBchatException( "Unknown thread type: {}, with data: {}".format(_type, node) ) return rtn
[docs] def fetchUnread(self): """Fetch unread threads. Returns: list: List of unread thread ids Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ form = { "folders[0]": "inbox", "client": "mercury", "last_action_timestamp": now() - 60 * 1000 # 'last_action_timestamp': 0 } j = self._payload_post("/ajax/mercury/unread_threads.php", form) result = j["unread_thread_fbids"][0] return result["thread_fbids"] + result["other_user_fbids"]
[docs] def fetchUnseen(self): """Fetch unseen / new threads. Returns: list: List of unseen thread ids Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ j = self._payload_post("/mercury/unseen_thread_ids/", {}) result = j["unseen_thread_fbids"][0] return result["thread_fbids"] + result["other_user_fbids"]
[docs] def fetchImageUrl(self, image_id): """Fetch URL to download the original image from an image attachment ID. Args: image_id (str): The image you want to fetch Returns: str: An URL where you can download the original image Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ image_id = str(image_id) data = {"photo_id": str(image_id)} j = self._post("/mercury/attachments/photo/", data) url = get_jsmods_require(j, 3) if url is None: raise FBchatException("Could not fetch image URL from: {}".format(j)) return url
[docs] def fetchMessageInfo(self, mid, thread_id=None): """Fetch `Message` object from the given message id. Args: mid: Message ID to fetch from thread_id: User/Group ID to get message info from. See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: Message: :class:`Message` object Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) message_info = self._forcedFetch(thread_id, mid).get("message") return Message._from_graphql(message_info)
[docs] def fetchPollOptions(self, poll_id): """Fetch list of `PollOption` objects from the poll id. Args: poll_id: Poll ID to fetch from Returns: list Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = {"question_id": poll_id} j = self._payload_post("/ajax/mercury/get_poll_options", data) return [PollOption._from_graphql(m) for m in j]
[docs] def fetchPlanInfo(self, plan_id): """Fetch `Plan` object from the plan id. Args: plan_id: Plan ID to fetch from Returns: Plan: :class:`Plan` object Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = {"event_reminder_id": plan_id} j = self._payload_post("/ajax/eventreminder", data) return Plan._from_fetch(j)
def _getPrivateData(self): (j,) = self.graphql_requests(_graphql.from_doc_id("1868889766468115", {})) return j["viewer"]
[docs] def getPhoneNumbers(self): """Fetch list of user's phone numbers. Returns: list: List of phone numbers """ data = self._getPrivateData() return [ j["phone_number"]["universal_number"] for j in data["user"]["all_phones"] ]
[docs] def getEmails(self): """Fetch list of user's emails. Returns: list: List of emails """ data = self._getPrivateData() return [j["display_email"] for j in data["all_emails"]]
[docs] def getUserActiveStatus(self, user_id): """Fetch friend active status as an `ActiveStatus` object. Return ``None`` if status isn't known. Warning: Only works when listening. Args: user_id: ID of the user Returns: ActiveStatus: Given user active status """ return self._buddylist.get(str(user_id))
[docs] def fetchThreadImages(self, thread_id=None): """Fetch images posted in thread. Args: thread_id: ID of the thread Returns: typing.Iterable: :class:`ImageAttachment` or :class:`VideoAttachment` """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = {"id": thread_id, "first": 48} thread_id = str(thread_id) (j,) = self.graphql_requests(_graphql.from_query_id("515216185516880", data)) while True: try: i = j[thread_id]["message_shared_media"]["edges"][0] except IndexError: if j[thread_id]["message_shared_media"]["page_info"].get( "has_next_page" ): data["after"] = j[thread_id]["message_shared_media"][ "page_info" ].get("end_cursor") (j,) = self.graphql_requests( _graphql.from_query_id("515216185516880", data) ) continue else: break if i["node"].get("__typename") == "MessageImage": yield ImageAttachment._from_list(i) elif i["node"].get("__typename") == "MessageVideo": yield VideoAttachment._from_list(i) else: yield Attachment(uid=i["node"].get("legacy_attachment_id")) del j[thread_id]["message_shared_media"]["edges"][0]
""" END FETCH METHODS """ """ SEND METHODS """ def _oldMessage(self, message): return message if isinstance(message, Message) else Message(text=message) def _doSendRequest(self, data, get_thread_id=False): """Send the data to `SendURL`, and returns the message ID or None on failure.""" mid, thread_id = self._state._do_send_request(data) if get_thread_id: return mid, thread_id else: return mid
[docs] def send(self, message, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER): """Send message to a thread. Args: message (Message): Message to send thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the sent message Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) thread = thread_type._to_class()(thread_id) data = thread._to_send_data() data.update(message._to_send_data()) return self._doSendRequest(data)
[docs] def sendMessage(self, message, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER): """Deprecated. Use :func:`fbchat.Client.send` instead.""" return self.send( Message(text=message), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type )
[docs] def sendEmoji( self, emoji=None, size=EmojiSize.SMALL, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ): """Deprecated. Use :func:`fbchat.Client.send` instead.""" return self.send( Message(text=emoji, emoji_size=size), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, )
[docs] def wave(self, wave_first=True, thread_id=None, thread_type=None): """Wave hello to a thread. Args: wave_first: Whether to wave first or wave back thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the sent message Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) thread = thread_type._to_class()(thread_id) data = thread._to_send_data() data["action_type"] = "ma-type:user-generated-message" data["lightweight_action_attachment[lwa_state]"] = ( "INITIATED" if wave_first else "RECIPROCATED" ) data["lightweight_action_attachment[lwa_type]"] = "WAVE" if thread_type == ThreadType.USER: data["specific_to_list[0]"] = "fbid:{}".format(thread_id) return self._doSendRequest(data)
[docs] def quickReply(self, quick_reply, payload=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None): """Reply to chosen quick reply. Args: quick_reply (QuickReply): Quick reply to reply to payload: Optional answer to the quick reply thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the sent message Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ quick_reply.is_response = True if isinstance(quick_reply, QuickReplyText): return self.send( Message(text=quick_reply.title, quick_replies=[quick_reply]) ) elif isinstance(quick_reply, QuickReplyLocation): if not isinstance(payload, LocationAttachment): raise ValueError( "Payload must be an instance of `fbchat.LocationAttachment`" ) return self.sendLocation( payload, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type ) elif isinstance(quick_reply, QuickReplyEmail): if not payload: payload = self.getEmails()[0] quick_reply.external_payload = quick_reply.payload quick_reply.payload = payload return self.send(Message(text=payload, quick_replies=[quick_reply])) elif isinstance(quick_reply, QuickReplyPhoneNumber): if not payload: payload = self.getPhoneNumbers()[0] quick_reply.external_payload = quick_reply.payload quick_reply.payload = payload return self.send(Message(text=payload, quick_replies=[quick_reply]))
[docs] def unsend(self, mid): """Unsend message by it's ID (removes it for everyone). Args: mid: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the message to unsend """ data = {"message_id": mid} j = self._payload_post("/messaging/unsend_message/?dpr=1", data)
def _sendLocation( self, location, current=True, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None ): thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) thread = thread_type._to_class()(thread_id) data = thread._to_send_data() if message is not None: data.update(message._to_send_data()) data["action_type"] = "ma-type:user-generated-message" data["location_attachment[coordinates][latitude]"] = location.latitude data["location_attachment[coordinates][longitude]"] = location.longitude data["location_attachment[is_current_location]"] = current return self._doSendRequest(data)
[docs] def sendLocation(self, location, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None): """Send a given location to a thread as the user's current location. Args: location (LocationAttachment): Location to send message (Message): Additional message thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the sent message Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ self._sendLocation( location=location, current=True, message=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, )
[docs] def sendPinnedLocation( self, location, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None ): """Send a given location to a thread as a pinned location. Args: location (LocationAttachment): Location to send message (Message): Additional message thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the sent message Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ self._sendLocation( location=location, current=False, message=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, )
def _upload(self, files, voice_clip=False): return self._state._upload(files, voice_clip=voice_clip) def _sendFiles( self, files, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER ): """Send files from file IDs to a thread. `files` should be a list of tuples, with a file's ID and mimetype. """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) thread = thread_type._to_class()(thread_id) data = thread._to_send_data() data.update(self._oldMessage(message)._to_send_data()) data["action_type"] = "ma-type:user-generated-message" data["has_attachment"] = True for i, (file_id, mimetype) in enumerate(files): data["{}s[{}]".format(mimetype_to_key(mimetype), i)] = file_id return self._doSendRequest(data)
[docs] def sendRemoteFiles( self, file_urls, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER ): """Send files from URLs to a thread. Args: file_urls: URLs of files to upload and send message: Additional message thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the sent files Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ file_urls = require_list(file_urls) files = self._upload(get_files_from_urls(file_urls)) return self._sendFiles( files=files, message=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type )
[docs] def sendLocalFiles( self, file_paths, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER ): """Send local files to a thread. Args: file_paths: Paths of files to upload and send message: Additional message thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the sent files Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ file_paths = require_list(file_paths) with get_files_from_paths(file_paths) as x: files = self._upload(x) return self._sendFiles( files=files, message=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type )
[docs] def sendRemoteVoiceClips( self, clip_urls, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER ): """Send voice clips from URLs to a thread. Args: clip_urls: URLs of clips to upload and send message: Additional message thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the sent files Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ clip_urls = require_list(clip_urls) files = self._upload(get_files_from_urls(clip_urls), voice_clip=True) return self._sendFiles( files=files, message=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type )
[docs] def sendLocalVoiceClips( self, clip_paths, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER ): """Send local voice clips to a thread. Args: clip_paths: Paths of clips to upload and send message: Additional message thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` of the sent files Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ clip_paths = require_list(clip_paths) with get_files_from_paths(clip_paths) as x: files = self._upload(x, voice_clip=True) return self._sendFiles( files=files, message=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type )
[docs] def sendImage( self, image_id, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, is_gif=False, ): """Deprecated.""" if is_gif: mimetype = "image/gif" else: mimetype = "image/png" return self._sendFiles( files=[(image_id, mimetype)], message=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, )
[docs] def sendRemoteImage( self, image_url, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER ): """Deprecated. Use :func:`fbchat.Client.sendRemoteFiles` instead.""" return self.sendRemoteFiles( file_urls=[image_url], message=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, )
[docs] def sendLocalImage( self, image_path, message=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER ): """Deprecated. Use :func:`fbchat.Client.sendLocalFiles` instead.""" return self.sendLocalFiles( file_paths=[image_path], message=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, )
[docs] def forwardAttachment(self, attachment_id, thread_id=None): """Forward an attachment. Args: attachment_id: Attachment ID to forward thread_id: User/Group ID to send to. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = { "attachment_id": attachment_id, "recipient_map[{}]".format(generateOfflineThreadingID()): thread_id, } j = self._payload_post("/mercury/attachments/forward/", data) if not j.get("success"): raise FBchatFacebookError( "Failed forwarding attachment: {}".format(j["error"]), fb_error_message=j["error"], )
[docs] def createGroup(self, message, user_ids): """Create a group with the given user ids. Args: message: The initial message user_ids: A list of users to create the group with. Returns: ID of the new group Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = self._oldMessage(message)._to_send_data() if len(user_ids) < 2: raise FBchatUserError("Error when creating group: Not enough participants") for i, user_id in enumerate(user_ids + [self._uid]): data["specific_to_list[{}]".format(i)] = "fbid:{}".format(user_id) message_id, thread_id = self._doSendRequest(data, get_thread_id=True) if not thread_id: raise FBchatException( "Error when creating group: No thread_id could be found" ) return thread_id
[docs] def addUsersToGroup(self, user_ids, thread_id=None): """Add users to a group. Args: user_ids (list): One or more user IDs to add thread_id: Group ID to add people to. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = Group(thread_id)._to_send_data() data["action_type"] = "ma-type:log-message" data["log_message_type"] = "log:subscribe" user_ids = require_list(user_ids) for i, user_id in enumerate(user_ids): if user_id == self._uid: raise FBchatUserError( "Error when adding users: Cannot add self to group thread" ) else: data[ "log_message_data[added_participants][{}]".format(i) ] = "fbid:{}".format(user_id) return self._doSendRequest(data)
[docs] def removeUserFromGroup(self, user_id, thread_id=None): """Remove user from a group. Args: user_id: User ID to remove thread_id: Group ID to remove people from. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = {"uid": user_id, "tid": thread_id} j = self._payload_post("/chat/remove_participants/", data)
def _adminStatus(self, admin_ids, admin, thread_id=None): thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = {"add": admin, "thread_fbid": thread_id} admin_ids = require_list(admin_ids) for i, admin_id in enumerate(admin_ids): data["admin_ids[{}]".format(i)] = str(admin_id) j = self._payload_post("/messaging/save_admins/?dpr=1", data)
[docs] def addGroupAdmins(self, admin_ids, thread_id=None): """Set specified users as group admins. Args: admin_ids: One or more user IDs to set admin thread_id: Group ID to remove people from. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ self._adminStatus(admin_ids, True, thread_id)
[docs] def removeGroupAdmins(self, admin_ids, thread_id=None): """Remove admin status from specified users. Args: admin_ids: One or more user IDs to remove admin thread_id: Group ID to remove people from. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ self._adminStatus(admin_ids, False, thread_id)
[docs] def changeGroupApprovalMode(self, require_admin_approval, thread_id=None): """Change group's approval mode. Args: require_admin_approval: True or False thread_id: Group ID to remove people from. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = {"set_mode": int(require_admin_approval), "thread_fbid": thread_id} j = self._payload_post("/messaging/set_approval_mode/?dpr=1", data)
def _usersApproval(self, user_ids, approve, thread_id=None): thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) user_ids = list(require_list(user_ids)) data = { "client_mutation_id": "0", "actor_id": self._uid, "thread_fbid": thread_id, "user_ids": user_ids, "response": "ACCEPT" if approve else "DENY", "surface": "ADMIN_MODEL_APPROVAL_CENTER", } (j,) = self.graphql_requests( _graphql.from_doc_id("1574519202665847", {"data": data}) )
[docs] def acceptUsersToGroup(self, user_ids, thread_id=None): """Accept users to the group from the group's approval. Args: user_ids: One or more user IDs to accept thread_id: Group ID to accept users to. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ self._usersApproval(user_ids, True, thread_id)
[docs] def denyUsersFromGroup(self, user_ids, thread_id=None): """Deny users from joining the group. Args: user_ids: One or more user IDs to deny thread_id: Group ID to deny users from. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ self._usersApproval(user_ids, False, thread_id)
def _changeGroupImage(self, image_id, thread_id=None): """Change a thread image from an image id. Args: image_id: ID of uploaded image thread_id: User/Group ID to change image. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = {"thread_image_id": image_id, "thread_id": thread_id} j = self._payload_post("/messaging/set_thread_image/?dpr=1", data) return image_id
[docs] def changeGroupImageRemote(self, image_url, thread_id=None): """Change a thread image from a URL. Args: image_url: URL of an image to upload and change thread_id: User/Group ID to change image. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ ((image_id, mimetype),) = self._upload(get_files_from_urls([image_url])) return self._changeGroupImage(image_id, thread_id)
[docs] def changeGroupImageLocal(self, image_path, thread_id=None): """Change a thread image from a local path. Args: image_path: Path of an image to upload and change thread_id: User/Group ID to change image. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ with get_files_from_paths([image_path]) as files: ((image_id, mimetype),) = self._upload(files) return self._changeGroupImage(image_id, thread_id)
[docs] def changeThreadTitle(self, title, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER): """Change title of a thread. If this is executed on a user thread, this will change the nickname of that user, effectively changing the title. Args: title: New group thread title thread_id: Group ID to change title of. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) if thread_type == ThreadType.USER: # The thread is a user, so we change the user's nickname return self.changeNickname( title, thread_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type ) data = {"thread_name": title, "thread_id": thread_id} j = self._payload_post("/messaging/set_thread_name/?dpr=1", data)
[docs] def changeNickname( self, nickname, user_id, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER ): """Change the nickname of a user in a thread. Args: nickname: New nickname user_id: User that will have their nickname changed thread_id: User/Group ID to change color of. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) data = { "nickname": nickname, "participant_id": user_id, "thread_or_other_fbid": thread_id, } j = self._payload_post( "/messaging/save_thread_nickname/?source=thread_settings&dpr=1", data )
[docs] def changeThreadColor(self, color, thread_id=None): """Change thread color. Args: color (ThreadColor): New thread color thread_id: User/Group ID to change color of. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = { "color_choice": color.value if color != ThreadColor.MESSENGER_BLUE else "", "thread_or_other_fbid": thread_id, } j = self._payload_post( "/messaging/save_thread_color/?source=thread_settings&dpr=1", data )
[docs] def changeThreadEmoji(self, emoji, thread_id=None): """Change thread color. Note: While changing the emoji, the Facebook web client actually sends multiple different requests, though only this one is required to make the change. Args: color: New thread emoji thread_id: User/Group ID to change emoji of. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = {"emoji_choice": emoji, "thread_or_other_fbid": thread_id} j = self._payload_post( "/messaging/save_thread_emoji/?source=thread_settings&dpr=1", data )
[docs] def reactToMessage(self, message_id, reaction): """React to a message, or removes reaction. Args: message_id: :ref:`Message ID <intro_message_ids>` to react to reaction (MessageReaction): Reaction emoji to use, if None removes reaction Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = { "action": "ADD_REACTION" if reaction else "REMOVE_REACTION", "client_mutation_id": "1", "actor_id": self._uid, "message_id": str(message_id), "reaction": reaction.value if reaction else None, } data = {"doc_id": 1491398900900362, "variables": json.dumps({"data": data})} j = self._payload_post("/webgraphql/mutation", data) handle_graphql_errors(j)
[docs] def createPlan(self, plan, thread_id=None): """Set a plan. Args: plan (Plan): Plan to set thread_id: User/Group ID to send plan to. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = { "event_type": "EVENT", "event_time": plan.time, "title": plan.title, "thread_id": thread_id, "location_id": plan.location_id or "", "location_name": plan.location or "", "acontext": ACONTEXT, } j = self._payload_post("/ajax/eventreminder/create", data) if "error" in j: raise FBchatFacebookError( "Failed creating plan: {}".format(j["error"]), fb_error_message=j["error"], )
[docs] def editPlan(self, plan, new_plan): """Edit a plan. Args: plan (Plan): Plan to edit new_plan: New plan Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = { "event_reminder_id": plan.uid, "delete": "false", "date": new_plan.time, "location_name": new_plan.location or "", "location_id": new_plan.location_id or "", "title": new_plan.title, "acontext": ACONTEXT, } j = self._payload_post("/ajax/eventreminder/submit", data)
[docs] def deletePlan(self, plan): """Delete a plan. Args: plan: Plan to delete Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = {"event_reminder_id": plan.uid, "delete": "true", "acontext": ACONTEXT} j = self._payload_post("/ajax/eventreminder/submit", data)
[docs] def changePlanParticipation(self, plan, take_part=True): """Change participation in a plan. Args: plan: Plan to take part in or not take_part: Whether to take part in the plan Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = { "event_reminder_id": plan.uid, "guest_state": "GOING" if take_part else "DECLINED", "acontext": ACONTEXT, } j = self._payload_post("/ajax/eventreminder/rsvp", data)
[docs] def eventReminder(self, thread_id, time, title, location="", location_id=""): """Deprecated. Use :func:`fbchat.Client.createPlan` instead.""" plan = Plan(time=time, title=title, location=location, location_id=location_id) self.createPlan(plan=plan, thread_id=thread_id)
[docs] def createPoll(self, poll, thread_id=None): """Create poll in a group thread. Args: poll (Poll): Poll to create thread_id: User/Group ID to create poll in. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) # We're using ordered dictionaries, because the Facebook endpoint that parses # the POST parameters is badly implemented, and deals with ordering the options # wrongly. If you can find a way to fix this for the endpoint, or if you find # another endpoint, please do suggest it ;) data = OrderedDict([("question_text", poll.title), ("target_id", thread_id)]) for i, option in enumerate(poll.options): data["option_text_array[{}]".format(i)] = option.text data["option_is_selected_array[{}]".format(i)] = str(int( j = self._payload_post("/messaging/group_polling/create_poll/?dpr=1", data) if j.get("status") != "success": raise FBchatFacebookError( "Failed creating poll: {}".format(j.get("errorTitle")), fb_error_message=j.get("errorMessage"), )
[docs] def updatePollVote(self, poll_id, option_ids=[], new_options=[]): """Update a poll vote. Args: poll_id: ID of the poll to update vote option_ids: List of the option IDs to vote new_options: List of the new option names thread_id: User/Group ID to change status in. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = {"question_id": poll_id} for i, option_id in enumerate(option_ids): data["selected_options[{}]".format(i)] = option_id for i, option_text in enumerate(new_options): data["new_options[{}]".format(i)] = option_text j = self._payload_post("/messaging/group_polling/update_vote/?dpr=1", data) if j.get("status") != "success": raise FBchatFacebookError( "Failed updating poll vote: {}".format(j.get("errorTitle")), fb_error_message=j.get("errorMessage"), )
[docs] def setTypingStatus(self, status, thread_id=None, thread_type=None): """Set users typing status in a thread. Args: status (TypingStatus): Specify the typing status thread_id: User/Group ID to change status in. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, thread_type) data = { "typ": status.value, "thread": thread_id, "to": thread_id if thread_type == ThreadType.USER else "", "source": "mercury-chat", } j = self._payload_post("/ajax/messaging/typ.php", data)
[docs] def markAsDelivered(self, thread_id, message_id): """Mark a message as delivered. Args: thread_id: User/Group ID to which the message belongs. See :ref:`intro_threads` message_id: Message ID to set as delivered. See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: True Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = { "message_ids[0]": message_id, "thread_ids[%s][0]" % thread_id: message_id, } j = self._payload_post("/ajax/mercury/delivery_receipts.php", data) return True
def _readStatus(self, read, thread_ids): thread_ids = require_list(thread_ids) data = {"watermarkTimestamp": now(), "shouldSendReadReceipt": "true"} for thread_id in thread_ids: data["ids[{}]".format(thread_id)] = "true" if read else "false" j = self._payload_post("/ajax/mercury/change_read_status.php", data)
[docs] def markAsRead(self, thread_ids=None): """Mark threads as read. All messages inside the specified threads will be marked as read. Args: thread_ids: User/Group IDs to set as read. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ self._readStatus(True, thread_ids)
[docs] def markAsUnread(self, thread_ids=None): """Mark threads as unread. All messages inside the specified threads will be marked as unread. Args: thread_ids: User/Group IDs to set as unread. See :ref:`intro_threads` Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ self._readStatus(False, thread_ids)
[docs] def markAsSeen(self): """ Todo: Documenting this """ j = self._payload_post("/ajax/mercury/mark_seen.php", {"seen_timestamp": now()})
[docs] def friendConnect(self, friend_id): """ Todo: Documenting this """ data = {"to_friend": friend_id, "action": "confirm"} j = self._payload_post("/ajax/add_friend/action.php?dpr=1", data)
[docs] def removeFriend(self, friend_id=None): """Remove a specified friend from the client's friend list. Args: friend_id: The ID of the friend that you want to remove Returns: True Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = {"uid": friend_id} j = self._payload_post("/ajax/profile/removefriendconfirm.php", data) return True
[docs] def blockUser(self, user_id): """Block messages from a specified user. Args: user_id: The ID of the user that you want to block Returns: True Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = {"fbid": user_id} j = self._payload_post("/messaging/block_messages/?dpr=1", data) return True
[docs] def unblockUser(self, user_id): """Unblock a previously blocked user. Args: user_id: The ID of the user that you want to unblock Returns: Whether the request was successful Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ data = {"fbid": user_id} j = self._payload_post("/messaging/unblock_messages/?dpr=1", data) return True
[docs] def moveThreads(self, location, thread_ids): """Move threads to specified location. Args: location (ThreadLocation): INBOX, PENDING, ARCHIVED or OTHER thread_ids: Thread IDs to move. See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: True Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_ids = require_list(thread_ids) if location == ThreadLocation.PENDING: location = ThreadLocation.OTHER if location == ThreadLocation.ARCHIVED: data_archive = dict() data_unpin = dict() for thread_id in thread_ids: data_archive["ids[{}]".format(thread_id)] = "true" data_unpin["ids[{}]".format(thread_id)] = "false" j_archive = self._payload_post( "/ajax/mercury/change_archived_status.php?dpr=1", data_archive ) j_unpin = self._payload_post( "/ajax/mercury/change_pinned_status.php?dpr=1", data_unpin ) else: data = dict() for i, thread_id in enumerate(thread_ids): data["{}[{}]".format(, i)] = thread_id j = self._payload_post("/ajax/mercury/move_thread.php", data) return True
[docs] def deleteThreads(self, thread_ids): """Delete threads. Args: thread_ids: Thread IDs to delete. See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: True Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_ids = require_list(thread_ids) data_unpin = dict() data_delete = dict() for i, thread_id in enumerate(thread_ids): data_unpin["ids[{}]".format(thread_id)] = "false" data_delete["ids[{}]".format(i)] = thread_id j_unpin = self._payload_post( "/ajax/mercury/change_pinned_status.php?dpr=1", data_unpin ) j_delete = self._payload_post( "/ajax/mercury/delete_thread.php?dpr=1", data_delete ) return True
[docs] def markAsSpam(self, thread_id=None): """Mark a thread as spam, and delete it. Args: thread_id: User/Group ID to mark as spam. See :ref:`intro_threads` Returns: True Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) j = self._payload_post("/ajax/mercury/mark_spam.php?dpr=1", {"id": thread_id}) return True
[docs] def deleteMessages(self, message_ids): """Delete specified messages. Args: message_ids: Message IDs to delete Returns: True Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ message_ids = require_list(message_ids) data = dict() for i, message_id in enumerate(message_ids): data["message_ids[{}]".format(i)] = message_id j = self._payload_post("/ajax/mercury/delete_messages.php?dpr=1", data) return True
[docs] def muteThread(self, mute_time=-1, thread_id=None): """Mute thread. Args: mute_time: Mute time in seconds, leave blank to mute forever thread_id: User/Group ID to mute. See :ref:`intro_threads` """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = {"mute_settings": str(mute_time), "thread_fbid": thread_id} j = self._payload_post("/ajax/mercury/change_mute_thread.php?dpr=1", data)
[docs] def unmuteThread(self, thread_id=None): """Unmute thread. Args: thread_id: User/Group ID to unmute. See :ref:`intro_threads` """ return self.muteThread(0, thread_id)
[docs] def muteThreadReactions(self, mute=True, thread_id=None): """Mute thread reactions. Args: mute: Boolean. True to mute, False to unmute thread_id: User/Group ID to mute. See :ref:`intro_threads` """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = {"reactions_mute_mode": int(mute), "thread_fbid": thread_id} j = self._payload_post( "/ajax/mercury/change_reactions_mute_thread/?dpr=1", data )
[docs] def unmuteThreadReactions(self, thread_id=None): """Unmute thread reactions. Args: thread_id: User/Group ID to unmute. See :ref:`intro_threads` """ return self.muteThreadReactions(False, thread_id)
[docs] def muteThreadMentions(self, mute=True, thread_id=None): """Mute thread mentions. Args: mute: Boolean. True to mute, False to unmute thread_id: User/Group ID to mute. See :ref:`intro_threads` """ thread_id, thread_type = self._getThread(thread_id, None) data = {"mentions_mute_mode": int(mute), "thread_fbid": thread_id} j = self._payload_post("/ajax/mercury/change_mentions_mute_thread/?dpr=1", data)
[docs] def unmuteThreadMentions(self, thread_id=None): """Unmute thread mentions. Args: thread_id: User/Group ID to unmute. See :ref:`intro_threads` """ return self.muteThreadMentions(False, thread_id)
""" LISTEN METHODS """ def _parseDelta(self, delta): def getThreadIdAndThreadType(msg_metadata): """Return a tuple consisting of thread ID and thread type.""" id_thread = None type_thread = None if "threadFbId" in msg_metadata["threadKey"]: id_thread = str(msg_metadata["threadKey"]["threadFbId"]) type_thread = ThreadType.GROUP elif "otherUserFbId" in msg_metadata["threadKey"]: id_thread = str(msg_metadata["threadKey"]["otherUserFbId"]) type_thread = ThreadType.USER return id_thread, type_thread delta_type = delta.get("type") delta_class = delta.get("class") metadata = delta.get("messageMetadata") if metadata: mid = metadata["messageId"] author_id = str(metadata["actorFbId"]) ts = int(metadata.get("timestamp")) # Added participants if "addedParticipants" in delta: added_ids = [str(x["userFbId"]) for x in delta["addedParticipants"]] thread_id = str(metadata["threadKey"]["threadFbId"]) self.onPeopleAdded( mid=mid, added_ids=added_ids, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, ts=ts, msg=delta, ) # Left/removed participants elif "leftParticipantFbId" in delta: removed_id = str(delta["leftParticipantFbId"]) thread_id = str(metadata["threadKey"]["threadFbId"]) self.onPersonRemoved( mid=mid, removed_id=removed_id, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, ts=ts, msg=delta, ) # Color change elif delta_type == "change_thread_theme": new_color = ThreadColor._from_graphql(delta["untypedData"]["theme_color"]) thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onColorChange( mid=mid, author_id=author_id, new_color=new_color, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) elif delta_class == "MarkFolderSeen": locations = [ ThreadLocation(folder.lstrip("FOLDER_")) for folder in delta["folders"] ] self._onSeen(locations=locations, ts=delta["timestamp"], msg=delta) # Emoji change elif delta_type == "change_thread_icon": new_emoji = delta["untypedData"]["thread_icon"] thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onEmojiChange( mid=mid, author_id=author_id, new_emoji=new_emoji, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Thread title change elif delta_class == "ThreadName": new_title = delta["name"] thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onTitleChange( mid=mid, author_id=author_id, new_title=new_title, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Forced fetch elif delta_class == "ForcedFetch": mid = delta.get("messageId") if mid is None: if delta["threadKey"] is not None: # Looks like the whole delta is metadata in this case thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(delta) self.onPendingMessage( thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, metadata=delta, msg=delta, ) else: self.onUnknownMesssageType(msg=delta) else: thread_id = str(delta["threadKey"]["threadFbId"]) fetch_info = self._forcedFetch(thread_id, mid) fetch_data = fetch_info["message"] author_id = fetch_data["message_sender"]["id"] ts = fetch_data["timestamp_precise"] if fetch_data.get("__typename") == "ThreadImageMessage": # Thread image change image_metadata = fetch_data.get("image_with_metadata") image_id = ( int(image_metadata["legacy_attachment_id"]) if image_metadata else None ) self.onImageChange( mid=mid, author_id=author_id, new_image=image_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=ThreadType.GROUP, ts=ts, msg=delta, ) # Nickname change elif delta_type == "change_thread_nickname": changed_for = str(delta["untypedData"]["participant_id"]) new_nickname = delta["untypedData"]["nickname"] thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onNicknameChange( mid=mid, author_id=author_id, changed_for=changed_for, new_nickname=new_nickname, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Admin added or removed in a group thread elif delta_type == "change_thread_admins": thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) target_id = delta["untypedData"]["TARGET_ID"] admin_event = delta["untypedData"]["ADMIN_EVENT"] if admin_event == "add_admin": self.onAdminAdded( mid=mid, added_id=target_id, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, msg=delta, ) elif admin_event == "remove_admin": self.onAdminRemoved( mid=mid, removed_id=target_id, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, msg=delta, ) # Group approval mode change elif delta_type == "change_thread_approval_mode": thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) approval_mode = bool(int(delta["untypedData"]["APPROVAL_MODE"])) self.onApprovalModeChange( mid=mid, approval_mode=approval_mode, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, msg=delta, ) # Message delivered elif delta_class == "DeliveryReceipt": message_ids = delta["messageIds"] delivered_for = str( delta.get("actorFbId") or delta["threadKey"]["otherUserFbId"] ) ts = int(delta["deliveredWatermarkTimestampMs"]) thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(delta) self.onMessageDelivered( msg_ids=message_ids, delivered_for=delivered_for, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Message seen elif delta_class == "ReadReceipt": seen_by = str(delta.get("actorFbId") or delta["threadKey"]["otherUserFbId"]) seen_ts = int(delta["actionTimestampMs"]) delivered_ts = int(delta["watermarkTimestampMs"]) thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(delta) self.onMessageSeen( seen_by=seen_by, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, seen_ts=seen_ts, ts=delivered_ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Messages marked as seen elif delta_class == "MarkRead": seen_ts = int( delta.get("actionTimestampMs") or delta.get("actionTimestamp") ) delivered_ts = int( delta.get("watermarkTimestampMs") or delta.get("watermarkTimestamp") ) threads = [] if "folders" not in delta: threads = [ getThreadIdAndThreadType({"threadKey": thr}) for thr in delta.get("threadKeys") ] # thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(delta) self.onMarkedSeen( threads=threads, seen_ts=seen_ts, ts=delivered_ts, metadata=delta, msg=delta, ) # Game played elif delta_type == "instant_game_update": game_id = delta["untypedData"]["game_id"] game_name = delta["untypedData"]["game_name"] score = delta["untypedData"].get("score") if score is not None: score = int(score) leaderboard = delta["untypedData"].get("leaderboard") if leaderboard is not None: leaderboard = json.loads(leaderboard)["scores"] thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onGamePlayed( mid=mid, author_id=author_id, game_id=game_id, game_name=game_name, score=score, leaderboard=leaderboard, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Skip "no operation" events elif delta_class == "NoOp": pass # Group call started/ended elif delta_type == "rtc_call_log": thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) call_status = delta["untypedData"]["event"] call_duration = int(delta["untypedData"]["call_duration"]) is_video_call = bool(int(delta["untypedData"]["is_video_call"])) if call_status == "call_started": self.onCallStarted( mid=mid, caller_id=author_id, is_video_call=is_video_call, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) elif call_status == "call_ended": self.onCallEnded( mid=mid, caller_id=author_id, is_video_call=is_video_call, call_duration=call_duration, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # User joined to group call elif delta_type == "participant_joined_group_call": thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) is_video_call = bool(int(delta["untypedData"]["group_call_type"])) self.onUserJoinedCall( mid=mid, joined_id=author_id, is_video_call=is_video_call, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Group poll event elif delta_type == "group_poll": thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) event_type = delta["untypedData"]["event_type"] poll_json = json.loads(delta["untypedData"]["question_json"]) poll = Poll._from_graphql(poll_json) if event_type == "question_creation": # User created group poll self.onPollCreated( mid=mid, poll=poll, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) elif event_type == "update_vote": # User voted on group poll added_options = json.loads(delta["untypedData"]["added_option_ids"]) removed_options = json.loads(delta["untypedData"]["removed_option_ids"]) self.onPollVoted( mid=mid, poll=poll, added_options=added_options, removed_options=removed_options, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Plan created elif delta_type == "lightweight_event_create": thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onPlanCreated( mid=mid, plan=Plan._from_pull(delta["untypedData"]), author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Plan ended elif delta_type == "lightweight_event_notify": thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onPlanEnded( mid=mid, plan=Plan._from_pull(delta["untypedData"]), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Plan edited elif delta_type == "lightweight_event_update": thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onPlanEdited( mid=mid, plan=Plan._from_pull(delta["untypedData"]), author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Plan deleted elif delta_type == "lightweight_event_delete": thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onPlanDeleted( mid=mid, plan=Plan._from_pull(delta["untypedData"]), author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Plan participation change elif delta_type == "lightweight_event_rsvp": thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) take_part = delta["untypedData"]["guest_status"] == "GOING" self.onPlanParticipation( mid=mid, plan=Plan._from_pull(delta["untypedData"]), take_part=take_part, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # Client payload (that weird numbers) elif delta_class == "ClientPayload": payload = json.loads("".join(chr(z) for z in delta["payload"])) ts = now() # Hack for d in payload.get("deltas", []): # Message reaction if d.get("deltaMessageReaction"): i = d["deltaMessageReaction"] thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(i) mid = i["messageId"] author_id = str(i["userId"]) reaction = ( MessageReaction(i["reaction"]) if i.get("reaction") else None ) add_reaction = not bool(i["action"]) if add_reaction: self.onReactionAdded( mid=mid, reaction=reaction, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, msg=delta, ) else: self.onReactionRemoved( mid=mid, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, msg=delta, ) # Viewer status change elif d.get("deltaChangeViewerStatus"): i = d["deltaChangeViewerStatus"] thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(i) author_id = str(i["actorFbid"]) reason = i["reason"] can_reply = i["canViewerReply"] if reason == 2: if can_reply: self.onUnblock( author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, msg=delta, ) else: self.onBlock( author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, msg=delta, ) # Live location info elif d.get("liveLocationData"): i = d["liveLocationData"] thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(i) for l in i["messageLiveLocations"]: mid = l["messageId"] author_id = str(l["senderId"]) location = LiveLocationAttachment._from_pull(l) self.onLiveLocation( mid=mid, location=location, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, msg=delta, ) # Message deletion elif d.get("deltaRecallMessageData"): i = d["deltaRecallMessageData"] thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(i) mid = i["messageID"] ts = i["deletionTimestamp"] author_id = str(i["senderID"]) self.onMessageUnsent( mid=mid, author_id=author_id, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, msg=delta, ) elif d.get("deltaMessageReply"): i = d["deltaMessageReply"] metadata = i["message"]["messageMetadata"] thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) message = Message._from_reply(i["message"]) message.replied_to = Message._from_reply(i["repliedToMessage"]) message.reply_to_id = message.replied_to.uid self.onMessage( mid=message.uid,, message=message.text, message_object=message, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=message.timestamp, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # New message elif delta.get("class") == "NewMessage": thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(metadata) self.onMessage( mid=mid, author_id=author_id, message=delta.get("body", ""), message_object=Message._from_pull( delta, mid=mid, tags=metadata.get("tags"), author=author_id, timestamp=ts, ), thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, ts=ts, metadata=metadata, msg=delta, ) # New pending message elif delta_class == "ThreadFolder" and delta.get("folder") == "FOLDER_PENDING": # Looks like the whole delta is metadata in this case thread_id, thread_type = getThreadIdAndThreadType(delta) self.onPendingMessage( thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, metadata=delta, msg=delta ) # Unknown message type else: self.onUnknownMesssageType(msg=delta) def _parse_payload(self, topic, m): # Things that directly change chat if topic == "/t_ms": if "deltas" not in m: return for delta in m["deltas"]: self._parseDelta(delta) # TODO: Remove old parsing below # Inbox elif topic == "inbox": self.onInbox( unseen=m["unseen"], unread=m["unread"], recent_unread=m["recent_unread"], msg=m, ) # Typing # /thread_typing {'sender_fbid': X, 'state': 1, 'type': 'typ', 'thread': 'Y'} # /orca_typing_notifications {'type': 'typ', 'sender_fbid': X, 'state': 0} elif topic in ("/thread_typing", "/orca_typing_notifications"): author_id = str(m["sender_fbid"]) thread_id = m.get("thread", author_id) typing_status = TypingStatus(m.get("state")) thread_type = ( ThreadType.USER if thread_id == author_id else ThreadType.GROUP ) self.onTyping( author_id=author_id, status=typing_status, thread_id=thread_id, thread_type=thread_type, msg=m, ) # Other notifications elif topic == "/legacy_web": # Friend request if m["type"] == "jewel_requests_add": from_id = m["from"] # TODO: from_id = str(from_id) self.onFriendRequest(from_id=from_id, msg=m) else: self.onUnknownMesssageType(msg=m) # Chat timestamp / Buddylist overlay elif topic == "/orca_presence": if m["list_type"] == "full": self._buddylist = {} # Refresh internal list statuses = dict() for data in m["list"]: user_id = str(data["u"]) statuses[user_id] = ActiveStatus._from_orca_presence(data) self._buddylist[user_id] = statuses[user_id] # TODO: Which one should we call? self.onChatTimestamp(buddylist=statuses, msg=m) self.onBuddylistOverlay(statuses=statuses, msg=m) # Unknown message type else: self.onUnknownMesssageType(msg=m) def _parse_message(self, topic, data): try: self._parse_payload(topic, data) except Exception as e: self.onMessageError(exception=e, msg=data)
[docs] def startListening(self): """Start listening from an external event loop. Raises: FBchatException: If request failed """ if not self._mqtt: self._mqtt = Mqtt.connect( state=self._state, on_message=self._parse_message, chat_on=self._markAlive, foreground=True, ) # Backwards compat self.onQprimer(ts=now(), msg=None) self.listening = True
[docs] def doOneListen(self, markAlive=None): """Do one cycle of the listening loop. This method is useful if you want to control the client from an external event loop. Warning: ``markAlive`` parameter is deprecated, use :func:`Client.setActiveStatus` or ``markAlive`` parameter in :func:`Client.listen` instead. Returns: bool: Whether the loop should keep running """ if markAlive is not None: self._markAlive = markAlive # TODO: Remove this wierd check, and let the user handle the chat_on parameter if self._markAlive != self._mqtt._chat_on: self._mqtt.set_chat_on(self._markAlive) # TODO: Remove on_error param return self._mqtt.loop_once(on_error=lambda e: self.onListenError(exception=e))
[docs] def stopListening(self): """Stop the listening loop.""" self.listening = False if not self._mqtt: return self._mqtt.disconnect() # TODO: Preserve the _mqtt object # Currently, there's some issues when disconnecting self._mqtt = None
[docs] def listen(self, markAlive=None): """Initialize and runs the listening loop continually. Args: markAlive (bool): Whether this should ping the Facebook server each time the loop runs """ if markAlive is not None: self.setActiveStatus(markAlive) self.startListening() self.onListening() while self.listening and self.doOneListen(): pass self.stopListening()
[docs] def setActiveStatus(self, markAlive): """Change active status while listening. Args: markAlive (bool): Whether to show if client is active """ self._markAlive = markAlive
[docs] def onLoggingIn(self, email=None): """Called when the client is logging in. Args: email: The email of the client """"Logging in {}...".format(email))
[docs] def on2FACode(self): """Called when a 2FA code is needed to progress.""" return input("Please enter your 2FA code --> ")
[docs] def onLoggedIn(self, email=None): """Called when the client is successfully logged in. Args: email: The email of the client """"Login of {} successful.".format(email))
[docs] def onListening(self): """Called when the client is listening.""""Listening...")
[docs] def onListenError(self, exception=None): """Called when an error was encountered while listening. Args: exception: The exception that was encountered Returns: Whether the loop should keep running """ log.exception("Got exception while listening") return True
[docs] def onMessage( self, mid=None, author_id=None, message=None, message_object=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody sends a message. Args: mid: The message ID author_id: The ID of the author message: (deprecated. Use ``message_object.text`` instead) message_object (Message): The message (As a `Message` object) thread_id: Thread ID that the message was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the message was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: The timestamp of the message metadata: Extra metadata about the message msg: A full set of the data received """"{} from {} in {}".format(message_object, thread_id,
[docs] def onPendingMessage( self, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, metadata=None, msg=None ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody that isn't connected with you on either Facebook or Messenger sends a message. After that, you need to use fetchThreadList to actually read the message. Args: thread_id: Thread ID that the message was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the message was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` metadata: Extra metadata about the message msg: A full set of the data received """"New pending message from {}".format(thread_id))
[docs] def onColorChange( self, mid=None, author_id=None, new_color=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody changes a thread's color. Args: mid: The action ID author_id: The ID of the person who changed the color new_color (ThreadColor): The new color thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "Color change from {} in {} ({}): {}".format( author_id, thread_id,, new_color ) )
[docs] def onEmojiChange( self, mid=None, author_id=None, new_emoji=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody changes a thread's emoji. Args: mid: The action ID author_id: The ID of the person who changed the emoji new_emoji: The new emoji thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "Emoji change from {} in {} ({}): {}".format( author_id, thread_id,, new_emoji ) )
[docs] def onTitleChange( self, mid=None, author_id=None, new_title=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody changes a thread's title. Args: mid: The action ID author_id: The ID of the person who changed the title new_title: The new title thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "Title change from {} in {} ({}): {}".format( author_id, thread_id,, new_title ) )
[docs] def onImageChange( self, mid=None, author_id=None, new_image=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.GROUP, ts=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody changes a thread's image. Args: mid: The action ID author_id: The ID of the person who changed the image new_image: The ID of the new image thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """"{} changed thread image in {}".format(author_id, thread_id))
[docs] def onNicknameChange( self, mid=None, author_id=None, changed_for=None, new_nickname=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody changes a nickname. Args: mid: The action ID author_id: The ID of the person who changed the nickname changed_for: The ID of the person whom got their nickname changed new_nickname: The new nickname thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "Nickname change from {} in {} ({}) for {}: {}".format( author_id, thread_id,, changed_for, new_nickname ) )
[docs] def onAdminAdded( self, mid=None, added_id=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.GROUP, ts=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody adds an admin to a group. Args: mid: The action ID added_id: The ID of the admin who got added author_id: The ID of the person who added the admins thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """"{} added admin: {} in {}".format(author_id, added_id, thread_id))
[docs] def onAdminRemoved( self, mid=None, removed_id=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.GROUP, ts=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody is removed as an admin in a group. Args: mid: The action ID removed_id: The ID of the admin who got removed author_id: The ID of the person who removed the admins thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """"{} removed admin: {} in {}".format(author_id, removed_id, thread_id))
[docs] def onApprovalModeChange( self, mid=None, approval_mode=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.GROUP, ts=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody changes approval mode in a group. Args: mid: The action ID approval_mode: True if approval mode is activated author_id: The ID of the person who changed approval mode thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """ if approval_mode:"{} activated approval mode in {}".format(author_id, thread_id)) else:"{} disabled approval mode in {}".format(author_id, thread_id))
[docs] def onMessageSeen( self, seen_by=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, seen_ts=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody marks a message as seen. Args: seen_by: The ID of the person who marked the message as seen thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` seen_ts: A timestamp of when the person saw the message ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "Messages seen by {} in {} ({}) at {}s".format( seen_by, thread_id,, seen_ts / 1000 ) )
[docs] def onMessageDelivered( self, msg_ids=None, delivered_for=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=ThreadType.USER, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody marks messages as delivered. Args: msg_ids: The messages that are marked as delivered delivered_for: The person that marked the messages as delivered thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "Messages {} delivered to {} in {} ({}) at {}s".format( msg_ids, delivered_for, thread_id,, ts / 1000 ) )
[docs] def onMarkedSeen( self, threads=None, seen_ts=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None ): """Called when the client is listening, and the client has successfully marked threads as seen. Args: threads: The threads that were marked author_id: The ID of the person who changed the emoji seen_ts: A timestamp of when the threads were seen ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "Marked messages as seen in threads {} at {}s".format( [(x[0], x[1].name) for x in threads], seen_ts / 1000 ) )
[docs] def onMessageUnsent( self, mid=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and someone unsends (deletes for everyone) a message. Args: mid: ID of the unsent message author_id: The ID of the person who unsent the message thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} unsent the message {} in {} ({}) at {}s".format( author_id, repr(mid), thread_id,, ts / 1000 ) )
[docs] def onPeopleAdded( self, mid=None, added_ids=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, ts=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody adds people to a group thread. Args: mid: The action ID added_ids: The IDs of the people who got added author_id: The ID of the person who added the people thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} added: {} in {}".format(author_id, ", ".join(added_ids), thread_id) )
[docs] def onPersonRemoved( self, mid=None, removed_id=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, ts=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody removes a person from a group thread. Args: mid: The action ID removed_id: The ID of the person who got removed author_id: The ID of the person who removed the person thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """"{} removed: {} in {}".format(author_id, removed_id, thread_id))
[docs] def onFriendRequest(self, from_id=None, msg=None): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody sends a friend request. Args: from_id: The ID of the person that sent the request msg: A full set of the data received """"Friend request from {}".format(from_id))
def _onSeen(self, locations=None, ts=None, msg=None): """ Todo: Document this, and make it public Args: locations: --- ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """
[docs] def onInbox(self, unseen=None, unread=None, recent_unread=None, msg=None): """ Todo: Documenting this Args: unseen: -- unread: -- recent_unread: -- msg: A full set of the data received """"Inbox event: {}, {}, {}".format(unseen, unread, recent_unread))
[docs] def onTyping( self, author_id=None, status=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, msg=None ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody starts or stops typing into a chat. Args: author_id: The ID of the person who sent the action status (TypingStatus): The typing status thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` msg: A full set of the data received """ pass
[docs] def onGamePlayed( self, mid=None, author_id=None, game_id=None, game_name=None, score=None, leaderboard=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody plays a game. Args: mid: The action ID author_id: The ID of the person who played the game game_id: The ID of the game game_name: Name of the game score: Score obtained in the game leaderboard: Actual leader board of the game in the thread thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ '{} played "{}" in {} ({})'.format( author_id, game_name, thread_id, ) )
[docs] def onReactionAdded( self, mid=None, reaction=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody reacts to a message. Args: mid: Message ID, that user reacted to reaction (MessageReaction): Reaction add_reaction: Whether user added or removed reaction author_id: The ID of the person who reacted to the message thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} reacted to message {} with {} in {} ({})".format( author_id, mid,, thread_id, ) )
[docs] def onReactionRemoved( self, mid=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody removes reaction from a message. Args: mid: Message ID, that user reacted to author_id: The ID of the person who removed reaction thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} removed reaction from {} message in {} ({})".format( author_id, mid, thread_id, thread_type ) )
[docs] def onBlock( self, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, msg=None ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody blocks client. Args: author_id: The ID of the person who blocked thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} blocked {} ({}) thread".format(author_id, thread_id, )
[docs] def onUnblock( self, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, msg=None ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody blocks client. Args: author_id: The ID of the person who unblocked thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} unblocked {} ({}) thread".format(author_id, thread_id, )
[docs] def onLiveLocation( self, mid=None, location=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening and somebody sends live location info. Args: mid: The action ID location (LiveLocationAttachment): Sent location info author_id: The ID of the person who sent location info thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} sent live location info in {} ({}) with latitude {} and longitude {}".format( author_id, thread_id, thread_type, location.latitude, location.longitude ) )
[docs] def onCallStarted( self, mid=None, caller_id=None, is_video_call=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody starts a call in a group. Todo: Make this work with private calls. Args: mid: The action ID caller_id: The ID of the person who started the call is_video_call: True if it's video call thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} started call in {} ({})".format(caller_id, thread_id, )
[docs] def onCallEnded( self, mid=None, caller_id=None, is_video_call=None, call_duration=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody ends a call in a group. Todo: Make this work with private calls. Args: mid: The action ID caller_id: The ID of the person who ended the call is_video_call: True if it was video call call_duration: Call duration in seconds thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} ended call in {} ({})".format(caller_id, thread_id, )
[docs] def onUserJoinedCall( self, mid=None, joined_id=None, is_video_call=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody joins a group call. Args: mid: The action ID joined_id: The ID of the person who joined the call is_video_call: True if it's video call thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} joined call in {} ({})".format(joined_id, thread_id, )
[docs] def onPollCreated( self, mid=None, poll=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody creates a group poll. Args: mid: The action ID poll (Poll): Created poll author_id: The ID of the person who created the poll thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} created poll {} in {} ({})".format( author_id, poll, thread_id, ) )
[docs] def onPollVoted( self, mid=None, poll=None, added_options=None, removed_options=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody votes in a group poll. Args: mid: The action ID poll (Poll): Poll, that user voted in author_id: The ID of the person who voted in the poll thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} voted in poll {} in {} ({})".format( author_id, poll, thread_id, ) )
[docs] def onPlanCreated( self, mid=None, plan=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody creates a plan. Args: mid: The action ID plan (Plan): Created plan author_id: The ID of the person who created the plan thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} created plan {} in {} ({})".format( author_id, plan, thread_id, ) )
[docs] def onPlanEnded( self, mid=None, plan=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and a plan ends. Args: mid: The action ID plan (Plan): Ended plan thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "Plan {} has ended in {} ({})".format(plan, thread_id, )
[docs] def onPlanEdited( self, mid=None, plan=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody edits a plan. Args: mid: The action ID plan (Plan): Edited plan author_id: The ID of the person who edited the plan thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} edited plan {} in {} ({})".format( author_id, plan, thread_id, ) )
[docs] def onPlanDeleted( self, mid=None, plan=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody deletes a plan. Args: mid: The action ID plan (Plan): Deleted plan author_id: The ID of the person who deleted the plan thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ "{} deleted plan {} in {} ({})".format( author_id, plan, thread_id, ) )
[docs] def onPlanParticipation( self, mid=None, plan=None, take_part=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, metadata=None, msg=None, ): """Called when the client is listening, and somebody takes part in a plan or not. Args: mid: The action ID plan (Plan): Plan take_part (bool): Whether the person takes part in the plan or not author_id: The ID of the person who will participate in the plan or not thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` thread_type (ThreadType): Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` ts: A timestamp of the action metadata: Extra metadata about the action msg: A full set of the data received """ if take_part: "{} will take part in {} in {} ({})".format( author_id, plan, thread_id, ) ) else: "{} won't take part in {} in {} ({})".format( author_id, plan, thread_id, ) )
[docs] def onQprimer(self, ts=None, msg=None): """Called when the client just started listening. Args: ts: A timestamp of the action msg: A full set of the data received """ pass
[docs] def onChatTimestamp(self, buddylist=None, msg=None): """Called when the client receives chat online presence update. Args: buddylist: A list of dictionaries with friend id and last seen timestamp msg: A full set of the data received """ log.debug("Chat Timestamps received: {}".format(buddylist))
[docs] def onBuddylistOverlay(self, statuses=None, msg=None): """Called when the client is listening and client receives information about friend active status. Args: statuses (dict): Dictionary with user IDs as keys and :class:`ActiveStatus` as values msg: A full set of the data received """
[docs] def onUnknownMesssageType(self, msg=None): """Called when the client is listening, and some unknown data was received. Args: msg: A full set of the data received """ log.debug("Unknown message received: {}".format(msg))
[docs] def onMessageError(self, exception=None, msg=None): """Called when an error was encountered while parsing received data. Args: exception: The exception that was encountered msg: A full set of the data received """ log.exception("Exception in parsing of {}".format(msg))
""" END EVENTS """