Source code for fbchat._quick_reply
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import attr
from ._attachment import Attachment
class QuickReply(object):
"""Represents a quick reply."""
#: Payload of the quick reply
payload = attr.ib(None)
#: External payload for responses
external_payload = attr.ib(None, init=False)
#: Additional data
data = attr.ib(None)
#: Whether it's a response for a quick reply
is_response = attr.ib(False)
[docs]@attr.s(cmp=False, init=False)
class QuickReplyText(QuickReply):
"""Represents a text quick reply."""
#: Title of the quick reply
title = attr.ib(None)
#: URL of the quick reply image (optional)
image_url = attr.ib(None)
#: Type of the quick reply
_type = "text"
def __init__(self, title=None, image_url=None, **kwargs):
super(QuickReplyText, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.title = title
self.image_url = image_url
[docs]@attr.s(cmp=False, init=False)
class QuickReplyLocation(QuickReply):
"""Represents a location quick reply (Doesn't work on mobile)."""
#: Type of the quick reply
_type = "location"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(QuickReplyLocation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.is_response = False
[docs]@attr.s(cmp=False, init=False)
class QuickReplyPhoneNumber(QuickReply):
"""Represents a phone number quick reply (Doesn't work on mobile)."""
#: URL of the quick reply image (optional)
image_url = attr.ib(None)
#: Type of the quick reply
_type = "user_phone_number"
def __init__(self, image_url=None, **kwargs):
super(QuickReplyPhoneNumber, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.image_url = image_url
[docs]@attr.s(cmp=False, init=False)
class QuickReplyEmail(QuickReply):
"""Represents an email quick reply (Doesn't work on mobile)."""
#: URL of the quick reply image (optional)
image_url = attr.ib(None)
#: Type of the quick reply
_type = "user_email"
def __init__(self, image_url=None, **kwargs):
super(QuickReplyEmail, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.image_url = image_url
def graphql_to_quick_reply(q, is_response=False):
data = dict()
_type = q.get("content_type").lower()
if q.get("payload"):
data["payload"] = q["payload"]
if q.get("data"):
data["data"] = q["data"]
if q.get("image_url") and _type is not QuickReplyLocation._type:
data["image_url"] = q["image_url"]
data["is_response"] = is_response
if _type == QuickReplyText._type:
if q.get("title") is not None:
data["title"] = q["title"]
rtn = QuickReplyText(**data)
elif _type == QuickReplyLocation._type:
rtn = QuickReplyLocation(**data)
elif _type == QuickReplyPhoneNumber._type:
rtn = QuickReplyPhoneNumber(**data)
elif _type == QuickReplyEmail._type:
rtn = QuickReplyEmail(**data)
return rtn