Source code for fbchat._sticker
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import attr
from ._attachment import Attachment
[docs]@attr.s(cmp=False, init=False)
class Sticker(Attachment):
"""Represents a Facebook sticker that has been sent to a thread as an attachment."""
#: The sticker-pack's ID
pack = attr.ib(None)
#: Whether the sticker is animated
is_animated = attr.ib(False)
# If the sticker is animated, the following should be present
#: URL to a medium spritemap
medium_sprite_image = attr.ib(None)
#: URL to a large spritemap
large_sprite_image = attr.ib(None)
#: The amount of frames present in the spritemap pr. row
frames_per_row = attr.ib(None)
#: The amount of frames present in the spritemap pr. column
frames_per_col = attr.ib(None)
#: The frame rate the spritemap is intended to be played in
frame_rate = attr.ib(None)
#: URL to the sticker's image
url = attr.ib(None)
#: Width of the sticker
width = attr.ib(None)
#: Height of the sticker
height = attr.ib(None)
#: The sticker's label/name
label = attr.ib(None)
def __init__(self, uid=None):
super(Sticker, self).__init__(uid=uid)
def _from_graphql(cls, data):
if not data:
return None
self = cls(uid=data["id"])
if data.get("pack"):
self.pack = data["pack"].get("id")
if data.get("sprite_image"):
self.is_animated = True
self.medium_sprite_image = data["sprite_image"].get("uri")
self.large_sprite_image = data["sprite_image_2x"].get("uri")
self.frames_per_row = data.get("frames_per_row")
self.frames_per_col = data.get("frames_per_column")
self.frame_rate = data.get("frame_rate")
self.url = data.get("url")
self.width = data.get("width")
self.height = data.get("height")
if data.get("label"):
self.label = data["label"]
return self