Source code for fbchat._user

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import attr
from ._core import Enum
from . import _plan
from ._thread import ThreadType, Thread

    # For standard requests
    0: "unknown",
    1: "female_singular",
    2: "male_singular",
    3: "female_singular_guess",
    4: "male_singular_guess",
    5: "mixed",
    6: "neuter_singular",
    7: "unknown_singular",
    8: "female_plural",
    9: "male_plural",
    10: "neuter_plural",
    11: "unknown_plural",
    # For graphql requests
    "UNKNOWN": "unknown",
    "FEMALE": "female_singular",
    "MALE": "male_singular",
    # '': 'female_singular_guess',
    # '': 'male_singular_guess',
    # '': 'mixed',
    "NEUTER": "neuter_singular",
    # '': 'unknown_singular',
    # '': 'female_plural',
    # '': 'male_plural',
    # '': 'neuter_plural',
    # '': 'unknown_plural',

[docs]class TypingStatus(Enum): """Used to specify whether the user is typing or has stopped typing.""" STOPPED = 0 TYPING = 1
[docs]@attr.s(cmp=False, init=False) class User(Thread): """Represents a Facebook user. Inherits `Thread`.""" #: The profile URL url = attr.ib(None) #: The users first name first_name = attr.ib(None) #: The users last name last_name = attr.ib(None) #: Whether the user and the client are friends is_friend = attr.ib(None) #: The user's gender gender = attr.ib(None) #: From 0 to 1. How close the client is to the user affinity = attr.ib(None) #: The user's nickname nickname = attr.ib(None) #: The clients nickname, as seen by the user own_nickname = attr.ib(None) #: A :class:`ThreadColor`. The message color color = attr.ib(None) #: The default emoji emoji = attr.ib(None) def __init__( self, uid, url=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, is_friend=None, gender=None, affinity=None, nickname=None, own_nickname=None, color=None, emoji=None, **kwargs ): super(User, self).__init__(ThreadType.USER, uid, **kwargs) self.url = url self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name self.is_friend = is_friend self.gender = gender self.affinity = affinity self.nickname = nickname self.own_nickname = own_nickname self.color = color self.emoji = emoji @classmethod def _from_graphql(cls, data): if data.get("profile_picture") is None: data["profile_picture"] = {} c_info = cls._parse_customization_info(data) plan = None if data.get("event_reminders") and data["event_reminders"].get("nodes"): plan = _plan.Plan._from_graphql(data["event_reminders"]["nodes"][0]) return cls( data["id"], url=data.get("url"), first_name=data.get("first_name"), last_name=data.get("last_name"), is_friend=data.get("is_viewer_friend"), gender=GENDERS.get(data.get("gender")), affinity=data.get("affinity"), nickname=c_info.get("nickname"), color=c_info.get("color"), emoji=c_info.get("emoji"), own_nickname=c_info.get("own_nickname"), photo=data["profile_picture"].get("uri"), name=data.get("name"), message_count=data.get("messages_count"), plan=plan, ) @classmethod def _from_thread_fetch(cls, data): if data.get("big_image_src") is None: data["big_image_src"] = {} c_info = cls._parse_customization_info(data) participants = [ node["messaging_actor"] for node in data["all_participants"]["nodes"] ] user = next( p for p in participants if p["id"] == data["thread_key"]["other_user_id"] ) last_message_timestamp = None if "last_message" in data: last_message_timestamp = data["last_message"]["nodes"][0][ "timestamp_precise" ] first_name = user.get("short_name") if first_name is None: last_name = None else: last_name = user.get("name").split(first_name, 1).pop().strip() plan = None if data.get("event_reminders") and data["event_reminders"].get("nodes"): plan = _plan.Plan._from_graphql(data["event_reminders"]["nodes"][0]) return cls( user["id"], url=user.get("url"), name=user.get("name"), first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, is_friend=user.get("is_viewer_friend"), gender=GENDERS.get(user.get("gender")), affinity=user.get("affinity"), nickname=c_info.get("nickname"), color=c_info.get("color"), emoji=c_info.get("emoji"), own_nickname=c_info.get("own_nickname"), photo=user["big_image_src"].get("uri"), message_count=data.get("messages_count"), last_message_timestamp=last_message_timestamp, plan=plan, ) @classmethod def _from_all_fetch(cls, data): return cls( data["id"], first_name=data.get("firstName"), url=data.get("uri"), photo=data.get("thumbSrc"), name=data.get("name"), is_friend=data.get("is_friend"), gender=GENDERS.get(data.get("gender")), )
[docs]@attr.s(cmp=False) class ActiveStatus(object): #: Whether the user is active now active = attr.ib(None) #: Timestamp when the user was last active last_active = attr.ib(None) #: Whether the user is playing Messenger game now in_game = attr.ib(None) @classmethod def _from_orca_presence(cls, data): # TODO: Handle `c` and `vc` keys (Probably some binary data) return cls(active=data["p"] in [2, 3], last_active=data.get("l"), in_game=None)